Moments later, the fragrant smell of the soup reached her sense of smell and made her stomach growl as she frowned and bit her lip, embarrassment engulfing her like a cocoon. Terry snickered, hearing the sound whilst checking on the soup by opening the lid.

"Don't worry, it's done. I'll just put it in a bowl and serve it to you." He reassured smiling as he winked at the girl. Judy was taken aback by his action, her face flushed red as she turned her body to the opposite side. Moments later, he went towards the bed holding a tray with a bowl of the soup and two pieces of croissant. He patted her back as she sat up slowly, still enduring the throbbing pain of her head. Once she successfully sat up, Terry handed her the spoon. Judy was hesitant to take it but took it after looking at his eyes that showed sincerity.

"If you're afraid that I put poison on it, I didn't. I don't have such reason to do so." He reassured as he playfully rolled his eyes at the girl before chuckling. Judy chuckled with him, he never failed to lift up her mood no matter what.

He once again headed towards the kitchen and grabbed a baguette before sitting with the girl on the bed as he took a bite off the bread while he stared at her who's currently taking spoonful of his soup.

"What?" She asked him with her mouth forming a pout, baffled and bothered by his stares.

"It must've been very hard for you. You were miserable when I found you walking through that lane. I somehow felt guilty. I shouldn't have distanced myself with you, I should've stayed." He uttered with a hint of compassion and remorse in his tone.

"It's all okay, you are not at fault. I feel a lot better now." She reassured, giving him a weak smile.

"I want to take care of you, from now on, Judy. I know I certainly won't be able to surpass your Grandmother but, can you let me do it for you?" He asked with pleading eyes.

"Oh, you needn't to. I certainly, most definitely, can manage myself Mister Terry Kang." She interjected.

"Then, can you take care of me instead?" He asked, Judy was puzzled by how he's acting lately. She furrowed her eyebrows as she faced the boy after putting down her utensils.

"What's gotten into you? and to answer your question, NO. you can manage yourself just fine to the point where you can even take care of other people like what you're doing now. And oh by the way, thank you so much for all of this." She gave him a bright smile.

"I want to ask you something, Judy Lee." He uttered, looking anxious as he played with his fingers. She was yet again baffled by him and so she did not waste her time and asked back.

"What is it this time?" She questioned, now putting the tray on top of the night stand before grabbing a piece of croissant and took a bite at it.

"Can I court you?"

and she choked.


A tear has escaped from her eyes, she felt overwhelmed. She has never heard such beautiful manly voice call her like that, and she believes with all her heart that it was her Prince. A tiny bit of hope sparked within her, the hope that he is alive somewhere else and is longing for her just as much as she is to him. That he will come and engulf her in his embrace never leaving her side ever again. She needed him, she needed to hear his soothing voice, she needed to feel his touch on her skin, she yearned for him for too long that it hurts. She begged for the Gods to lead him to her once again and with all the dreams she had these past few days adding up, she was certain that these are the signs, of his return.

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