Chapter 38 - Live Broadcast in the Early Hours of the Morning

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At that point, the broadcast room flashed the names of the ten criminals.

Marcellus: Known as “Brother.” Crimes are drug trafficking, kidnapping, imprisonment, rape, and murder of eight people.

Post: Crimes are drug trafficking, kidnapping, imprisonment, and murder of five people.

Dafasi: Crimes are drug trafficking, kidnapping, imprisonment, and murder of two people.

Pokan: Crimes are drug trafficking, imprisonment, and murder of four people.

Bentham: Known as “Baldy.” Crimes are drug trafficking, imprisonment, and murder of one person.

Mona Lynn: Nicknamed “Sister.” Crimes are drug trafficking, imprisonment, and murder of two people.

Zellman: Crimes are drug trafficking, rape, and murder of three people.

Hitler: Crimes are drug trafficking, rape, and murder of two people.

Grimm: Crimes are drug trafficking, rape, and murder of two people.

Sven: Crimes are drug trafficking, imprisonment, and murder of three people.

In addition, in front of these names, there were positive photos of each of them. Their faces were shown to the audience. After the audience finished watching, they were all very angry. How many people had died because of these people? None of these animals deserved to live!

“F*ck! So many innocent lives! I’m so angry!”

“Don’t say anything else. Just one sentence. Hurry up and die!”

“Another group of scumbags who have poisoned society. I beg the judge to punish them. Behead them all!”

“The criminals in the judge’s live broadcast room are committing more and more serious crimes!”

“I really don’t know where the judge caught them. So many criminals! Where are the police? Where are the police of New York City? What are they doing? Why are there so many criminals evading the law!”

“They’re still talking about the police? They’re all a bunch of trash. They’re using the taxes we paid. The criminals have all been caught by the judge. Why don’t we just give the taxes to the judge?”

The anger of the audience could not be appeased. It was too terrifying and too brutal. They simply could not believe that there was such an executioner in New York City, the wealthiest city in the United States. It was disgusting and terrifying.

When the live broadcast room appeared again, Task Force Zero also took action.

It was worth mentioning that after a few days of investigation, Ross had concluded that there was no substantial progress on the five points. The task force was once again in a passive position.

There was another thing. In Linda’s case, Anthony re-opened the investigation, held a new press conference, apologized to the public, and resigned. However, he left the Special Operations Bureau, but Ross applied to join Task Force Zero, not as a criminal police officer but as a consultant. For Anthony, he was considered lucky to have escaped unscathed.

Everyone quickly came to the meeting room. Ross looked at the big screen and frowned.

“Ten people? Why so many? Didn’t you see our statement? None of these ten people actually called the police for protection?”

Monica said, “Look at the crimes of these ten people. If they are true, they can be sentenced to death several times. If they call the police, they will die. They might as well fight with the Death Judge!”

“These people have long caught the attention of the police. Marcellus is a gang leader, and they sell drugs to students. Chapman and the others were their subordinates. I didn’t mention it at the press conference because I was afraid of alerting them. If the Death Judge hadn’t broadcast this, they would also have been caught very soon anyway,” Anthony said.

Willie widened his eyes and said, “Does that mean that these crimes are real?”

“Yes, most probably,” Anthony said.

“F*ck! These people really deserve to die!” Willie said as he clenched his fists.

Bowman said darkly, “I don’t know how the Death Inquisitor plans to play this time. I hope he doesn’t play the corpse badly this time.”

“Ten people. It’s considered a large-scale multiplayer game. It’s definitely an enclosed space with all kinds of traps! That’s his forte!” Monica said.

Ross’s eyes narrowed slightly. He looked at Anthony and said, “Do we have detailed information about Marcellus and the others?”

“Yes! Oh right. We still have informants watching them!”

Ross could not suppress the excitement in his heart when he heard that.

As long as the informant was not exposed, once the Death Inquisitor got close to Marcellus and the others, he would definitely be exposed to the informant.

Ross instantly had a feeling that he was infinitely close to the answer.

Livestream: The Adjudicator of DeathKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat