unlocked my new power and new driver now!

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we see Dark Decade planning something to killed me
Dark Kiva: Boss I think you can send me and a team of Dark rider's to destroy Build now
Dark Decade: Dark Kiva choice your team mates please
Dark Kiva: I chose Dark wizard dark Blade dark OOO dark Kabuto
Dark Decade: good choice Dark Kiva now go with your team now!
Dark Kiva: okay boss I wouldn't failed you at all!
He go to his team and Dark Decade opens a portal and let Dark Kiva and his team go in the portal and they was teleport to a place that me and Team RWBY and my Team as well
Kamen rider Gaim: build what are we going to do now?
Noah kaminari: easy training Gaim cuz remember a warrior code " a warrior doesn't attack if his opponent trow the first punch "
Kamen rider Gaim: yeah that's right I live with a code of a warrior
Kamen rider OOO: Build I'm picking up a strange signal from the place of Team RWBY is at now should we take care of this now they may need our help build
Kamen rider Decade: guys I have a bad feeling about this and it's be a trap from you know guys the mind dark counterpart aka Dark Decade
Noah kaminari: hold on guys I have a new driver I wanted to test out now
i put out my new driver and I see Vice
Vice: Oh Noah I can't wait for this now I like to fight with you and your Team as well
I place the new driver on my waist and pulls out a thing and I sap the rex thing on the driver
Revice driver: Rex! R-Rex R-Rex!
Noah kaminari: Henshin!
Vice crush me with a thing and it's forming my New rider form and Vice body turn into his rider form
Revice driver: Buddy Up! Ohing! Shoning! Rolling! Going! Kamen Rider! Revi! Vice! Revice!

we see Dark Decade planning something to killed me Dark Kiva: Boss I think you can send me and a team of Dark rider's to destroy Build nowDark Decade: Dark Kiva choice your team mates please Dark Kiva: I chose Dark wizard dark Blade dark OOO dark ...

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Noah kaminari/Kamen rider Revice: Guys let's go now!
we all run to the location of Tema RWBY and me and Vice punch some Another Rider's out our away
Ruby: Noah I love the new rider form
Yang: me too
Weiss: me three
Blake: me four
Noah kaminari/Kamen rider Revice: Vice let's do our combine form now!
Vice: Sure Noah-Kun!
i pressed on the make the rex thing on my driver go up and me and Symbol on our side of Chest growing in a pink color
i jumped in the air and Vice grabs my legs and we both turn into a T-Rex he Became the Bottom part of our combined form
Revice driver: Remix! Buddy Up! Hissatsu! Kuridasu! Max! Rex!
Team RWBY and my Team look at me and Vice and they smile on their face
you could tell underneath my team helmet's they was Smiling
i bite down on one of the another Rider's and trow him in the air
Noah kaminari/Kamen rider Revice and Vice: HERE'S THE FINISHER!
Vice jumped in the air making me and him look like we was flying in the air and we did our finisher
Revice driver: REX! STAMPING FINISH!
Me and Vice had energy coming from our leg and we use it and both of our Symbols appears on the ground where we destroy the another Rider
Me and Vice was back in our Rider forms
Vice: we did it Noah-Kun come on that was cool!
Noah kaminari/Kamen rider Revice: Stop it Vice and knock it off Vice!

Noah kaminari as Kamen rider build Where stories live. Discover now