Abby: "You voted without me?"

Jaha: "We followed the rules of order. It wouldn't have mattered. Their approval was unanimous. We start in twelve hours."

Abby: "How many?"

Jaha: "Three hundred and twenty people will be excised from the grid."

The arkers look down at that. They know for a fact that no one from the council will be there, it will be the working people. There people.

Abby: "No, murdered, Theolonius. Three hundred and twenty people will be murdered. We need to wait for Raven to report back."

Jaha : [holding up tablet] "Look at those numbers. Every hour that passes we put more people in danger."

Abby: "She risked her life for those people."

Jaha: "No, you risked her life...when you let her believe loving a boy somehow meant trusting her life in a hundred year old metal coffin. And that trust is going to kill her. Another child dead, just like all the others. Just like our own. [hands Abby oxygen mask] Take this. People our suffering. You can help."

Abby: [takes oxygen mask] "Raven will make it to Earth, I know she will.

Jaha: "Godspeed to her."

[Abby breathes through mask]

Raven: "Okay. RCS RCS thrust pressure good. [exhales] "Attitude. Good. Heat shield. Good." [flips switch on dash] "Okay. Don't let me blow up." [pushes lever forward] "Uhh!" [Pod beeping]

Everyone held there breath worried for her.

Scene 4 - Earth

Clarke: "It's so quiet."

Finn: "Hey, where'd you get that shirt?"

Clarke: "Oh, well there were more than just art supplies in the bunker, Finn. We should share."

Finn: "If we brought the stuff back, then they'd know that we'd found some place and where we would go next time someone pulls a Murphy and goes ballistic?"

Clarke: "Yeah"

Clarke: "Finn, look."

Finn: "A shooting star. You should make a wish."

Clarke: [laughing] "Why?"

Finn: "It's a thing people used to do a long time ago. I read about it."

Lexa nodded, the Kids still do it.

Clarke: "But it's just a rock burning up in the atmosphere, why would that make your wish come true?"

"That what this is?"  Lexa asks feelings her entire childhood getting ruined. At clarke nodded she promised herself to never tell this to anyone.

Finn: "All right."

Clarke: "Finn, that's not a shooting star."

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