PART - 14

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Tae- H-hello Mom...

Tae mom- where are you Taehyung... If your work is finished then come home early...i want to ask you something...

Tae- when you came mom and what you want to ask(he said while looking at his brother)

Tae mom- today now just come home... When you'll free(with that she cuts the call)

Tae, his brother and jimin they all exchange glances thinking what to do now....

Jimin- i think you should leave...before this matter become worse(Tae nodded when his brother said)

Tae bro- I'm coming with you hyung!! Let's go together!! Don't know what mom want to talk with you...

Jimin- I will call you later...Everything will be fine Don't worry...Now go... (With that Tae hugged jimin and went home with his brother) aishhh I hope everything will be fine at his home... And after few minutes he also went from there.

*At Home*

as Tae and his brother came Aera saw them and runs towards Tae. He picked her up and engulf her in his arm while forgetting all the stress smiling widely to her and shower lots of kisses on her face.

Tae- how is my princess?

Aera- i'm good daddy... i missed you and mommy alot (and pecked his cheek)

Tae bro- didn't you miss your buddy Aera(pout)

Aera- aniya... i missed you too buddy...

Tae bro- then come here give me a hug!(with that he takes Aera from taehyung and both came to the living room)

Tae dad- finally you both came... sit!(both nodded and sit)

Tae- ask mom why she called us(he wishpered )

Tae bro- not called US called You She called YOU you ask!!

Tae- what th(he cuts by his mom)

Tae mom- what you both are talking tell us too? (Coming from kitchen towards tae while sipping her tea)

Tae- n.. Nothing mom btw mom you w-wanted to talk s-something

Tae mom- hmmm yes...i asked y/n about you and she told me.......

Tae bro- nuna!!nuna told you what mom??(said while looking at Tae with panicked face)

Tae mom- y/n told me that you will be late becoz of some project you are currently working but Aera keep telling that she wants to meet you.... So i called you to come home early... (Taehyung and his bro exhale long deep breathe)

Tae- T-thats it mom?

Tae mom- yeah... Why did you aspect something else...

Tae bro- no mom nu(taehyung pats his brother thigh while cutting him off)

Tae- no no mom actually he is just confused as you suddenly called us... So that's it...

Tae bro- YOU!!! called YOU(taehyung just looked at him in disbelief and rolled his eyes)

Tae mom- aisshh both of you... Never miss a point to argue... (His dad laughed)

Tae dad- so what about project??? How it's going?

Tae- it's completed Dad... Just today...and I gave two days off to all the employees too!

Tae dad- that's a gud...keep it up! (Taehyung smiled a lil bit)

Tae mom- then why you send y/n home alone...why didn't you came with her?

Tae POV- (Mom didn't say a word... It's mean she didn't know anything... Y/n didn't tell anything... But where is she...)

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