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Something strange had been going on with Cynthia's grandfather. She had never seen the man so on edge ever before.

As she stood at the kitchen table, packing her lunch for the day, she watched Orvin disappear out the door to the house. She wondered if she should follow him – but immediately thought better of it and held herself back. She had never been big on confrontations, and truth be told, she was aware her curiosity wouldn't be particularly appreciated by her grandfather.

It never was, in this household. All they fed Cynthia were halfway tales of the past, without ever answering the questions that truly bothered her.

She was used to it, but that didn't mean it hurt any less.

The fact that she knew nothing about her parents wasn't something she could just accept as fate and stop trying to investigate. She had always held onto the belief that she would someday, somehow discover the truth, even if her own family didn't provide it for her.

As she shut the fridge door, her eyes caught the sticky note she had left there, yesterday afternoon.

∘ hey, amare! there's some fruit, salad and leftover macaroni in the fridge! help yourself if you get hungry – cynthia

Had Amare heeded her advice?

Squinting her eyes in thought, Cynthia opened the refrigerator again – only for her eyes to immediately land on the untouched bowl of salad, untouched container of mac n cheese and, yeah, all the untouched fruits.

Did he really not eat anything?

The guy had been missing the entire day yesterday, locked up in his room without stepping out even for food or water. Cynthia was concerned, but then her grandfather had told her that Amare had, "refused any disturbance because he wishes to rest."

But that wasn't all. She somewhat suspected there was more to it, because Amare had had a less than civil conversation with her grandfather in the early hours of the morning that had echoed around the house. Unfortunately, she hadn't been able to catch any actual words, having no direct access to the backyard they were both in.

She suspected Amare's isolation had something to do with that conversation. But she didn't want to cause him any trouble on the off chance that she was wrong and he really only needed to rest. Which was why she followed Orvin's instructions and she didn't try to visit Amare.

Needless to say, she continued to be extremely confused about what went down between both the men. She had been hoping to ask Amare about it when she got the chance today. And now that she had seen the older man march out of the house as if he was on a mission, she couldn't stop nibbling on her bottom lip, anxious and torn.

By the time Cynthia was ready to leave the house, making her way out of the kitchen and around the main hall, her gaze caught a small box at the bottom of the staircase. At first she thought to walk by it. But then she noticed the familiar wrapping paper and recognized the package for what it was.

She picked up the small parcel that served as the only reminder in her life of what day it was. Unwrapping the neatly tied ribbon, she tore off the wrapping paper to reveal a box containing a dainty, silver charms bracelet with a moon, a book and a tiny pendant-like figurine that she believed represented her zodiac, Taurus. She wore the jewelry immediately, grinning ear to ear, and admired the box and the card attached to it again, which felt more precious to her than the present itself.

To Cynthia, with love – Clemence

As if Clemence had to mention her name. Cynthia was certain there was only one, singular person in this entire world that would give her anything with love. Smile turning wry, she made to step towards the gate – only to come face-to-face with their guest.

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