Chapter Seventeen

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Holy shit this was long awaited. I keep telling myself to finish what I started but I can't seem to collect my thoughts. I'm so so sorry for the huge wait

Also sorry for any errors


"Newt? It's hot and stuffy in here and it smells a decade old," I whisper to Newt, complaining for like the hundredth time about my WICKED uniform.

"You're fine," he answers. If I could see he face he'd probably be smirking. "At least you look pretty badass."

I smile from under the heavy mask. "Oh why thank you."


My attention is directed to the doorway just as Gally rips his mask off. "Are you ready? We've got to get going." Before we even have a chance to respond he adds, "Like now."

I inhale deeply, remembering the plan we talked about. "Yeah. We're ready."


The Last City isn't what I ever could've imagined. Looking at it from outside the walls was one thing, but this? Unimaginable. The moment I looked at it I was astonished. When you hear The Last City, you definitely don't think of bustling crowds, buildings that scrape the sky, or lights that light up the entire night.

Right now, I'm walking down the side walk with Newt and Teresa. And let me just tell you that playing the role of a WICKED guard while  holding a pistol definitely makes you feel way more powerful than it should.

I grab onto Teresa's elbow as she  directs us to the entrance of the building. All my thoughts are scrambled. How are we actually going to pull this off?

We enter the building and I feel like everyone can see right through me. But I shake it off. Nobody can. We just need to pass by security, and through the alarms without setting them off.

I almost audibly sigh with relief as I watch the red light turn green. Thank god.

Not even 20 seconds later we're met head on with a guard. Please be Gally. Please.

My heart feels like it's racing out of my body as I wait for the signal.

When the guard nods slightly to the left, I want to jump with joy. Gally. I follow him to the left, leading Teresa in front of me as I hold a tight grip on my pistol. We walk for a minute before heading down a flight of stairs.

My mask is heavy and it's extremely hard to see out of it, so I try not to slip down the shiny white stairs.

At the bottom of the stairs, we're met with a wall of windows looking out to a parking garage sort of thing. We turn another left and keep walking. Looking through the windows I notice a few guards walking around. For a minute panic swells through me. It's not for long when my eyes settle on one in particular. He walks on the other side of the window, beside Gally. When the wall with windows soon has an opening, he slides in behind Gally, taking his spot and letting Gally take the lead. With a quick turn of the head to the right, I know it's Thomas.

After a minute or two we reach this big metal door at the end of the hallway. I watch as Teresa presses her finger against a screen to the right of it, gaining access to what's behind.

The door opens with a ring and we all hold our guns up. I notice a flight of stairs that lead up and a flight that lead down. Nobody appears to be anywhere in sight, but Thomas still rushes us by saying, "Go, go, go, go, go!"

We start heading down the stairs when Gally stops us. "Hold on! Hold on," We turn around to face him. "I can get in here." He pats on the electrical boxes beside the staircase and lifts his mask part way.

Since We Were Kids // Death Cure (Newt x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now