Chapter 11

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We arrived at George's mom's house and Alex knocked on the door. Me and SapNap stud a few feet behind him. Moments later a women awnsered the door. "Oh my favorite past hook up! What are you doing here?" She said to quackity. "Well I was wondering if me and my little friends could join you for dinner tonight, and then maybe eat you for dessert?" He said puttings his finger on her bottom lip. She blushed, nodding. She motion for us to follow her inside. Her house was small. Really just a small kitchen, bathroom, and her bedroom. She sat down on her bed. "So you want me to do you and your little friends, all at once hm?" Quackity nodded. "Well then, what are your names?" She said smirking at Nicholas. "Uh I'm clay-" I said. " And I'm Nick." SapNap replied. We stud in silence a moment not really knowing what to do. We kind of just thought quackity would do all the talking for us and we would just be doing the fucking. Alex toke her hand, taking out the bottle of wine from the back along with the rope. "So how you want it this time my lady?" He smirked. "Oh believe me, you already know that~." He pulled over a chair, tying her legs and arms up to it. "Where really do this?" I whispered to  Nick. He shrugged. "I mean it's ethier this or we back out and look like pussys." He said biting my ear. I tilted my head in discomfort. SapNap wasn't wrong, but still. I just found so wierd going throught with it. This is my ex's mom! Quackity pulled off the women's long, pink, rob. I looked down at my hand. It was still busted up, but it didn't look anywhere near as bad as it did 3 days before. It's hard to think it's only been a few days since the break up, and now I'm doing this... Maybe I should just quite and look like a pussy. I looked up, SapNap and Alex where already at it, fucking George's mom, who was typed up tightly moaning. I stud there, another second. This time, feel like I was the bad guy. Not George. My breath deepened, my eyes widen. "Hey quackity, can you give me a shot of that vodka?" He nodded, handing me a glass. I chugged it down. "Now let's get this bloody shit started I yelled!" It had only been a small shot, but I was already feel it's effects. I toke a few more shots, taking off my shirt. I grabbed some random meds I found on the counter behind quackity, putting a handful in my mouth, then snorting the rest. My version was blurry, and my speech was heavily impaired, but I didn't care. I toke another shot, as I ripped off my pants, kissing George's mom over and over again. I pushed her on to her stomach. I sighed. I couldn't really think, so I did what felt natural. My heart started racing, my head, poring sweat. I put it in, starting slowly, then gradually getting rougher. She let out a loud moan. Quackity stud back against the wall as if to say his job was down. SapNap had joined me, putting his cock in her mouth. She sucked it hard as I continued to ride her. Minutes had passed. My heart beat continued getting fasted, but I tuned it out. It was getting harder to breath. The world spun around. "A-argh~ I'm gonna cum~." Nick said. I tried to clench what was going on, but I just didn't understand what I was doing, and why it felt so amazing. Soon after I came as well. "M-mm~" She moaned. Quackity was still standing in the door way, watching us. He smiled slightly, at what thought? The fact I was fucking my ex's mom, or the fact I was drunk, overdosed, and fucking my ex's mom. Etheir way, it made since. Suddenly, I couldn't feel myself breathing., My eyes shutting, I saw... Nothing anymore.

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