Chapter 10

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Me and SapNap had just landed in the United Kingdom. The flight was about 8 hours long but we didn't really care. It didn't seat is back to much. We thanked the pilot for the flight, along with the food and drinks he had given us while on board. We ran past customs dragging our suit cases along by the handle. Quackity had already agreed to meet us her and was waiting for us outside. "Alex!" I said. "Dream! Hi, yes it's been awhile!" We laughed a second. "So you ready to head off?" Nick asked. We both nodded. "Watch this!" Alex said. "Taxi!!!!!!!" He ran down the road like a lunatic,until he finally jumped on the window of some random Uber drivers car. Scene quackity was half way down the road, we had to guess what they were saying. All I couldn't really make out was that the guy looked to be screaming and having a heart attack. Me and Nick dashed down the street to him. We keeped watching quackity and the man with a close eye. "ALEX WTF?!" I yelled. Alex looked ate smirking. "What?"he replied shrugging. "You just fucking killed that dude!" Nicholas said. A knife stud in quackity hand, dripping blood, the man's body dead in the drives seat. Quackity looked at us stupidly. "Look just get in the car okay?" Alex killed the dead body out, leaving it laying in the side of the road. He jumped in the driver's seat as me and SapNap got in the back. We didn't say a word, u til Alex interrupted the silence. "So why do you wanna fuck George's mom so bad? Isn't he like your bf?" SapNap laid his head on my shoulder before replying ; "Not anymore. Remeber the party a few weeks back? Well after you left George kissed Karl... More then once too." Quackity hit the breaks on the car Turing around in his sit. "WAIT HE FUCKING DID THAT?" I nodded. "Oh that little son of a bitch!" Alex said. He sped the car up again, going 20 miles past the limit. "We got to fucking hurry then!" He said. He grabbed his knife, still dripping with red. "Reach under the seat, there should be some road and a spiked collar. Maybe corpses cat ears. He said he would leave a pair in her for me, but I don't know." Me and SapNap looked each other and then reached under the seat. To our surprise all the items he said would be under the sit, along with a bottle of vodka and 4 shot glasses. "What- how?" Alex laughed. "When you called me this morning a nd told me y'all's plan I hired  Wilbur to leave some stuff in the Uber for us. You see his neighbor drives this exact car to the airport every morning. Reason I knew it was this car is because he has the same orange sticker on his window." I looked up at the car window. At the top right hand corner there was a small orange circle. That must have been the sticker he was talking about. "Okay but still, how did you get all this in the back seat?" I asked. He chuckled. "He never locks his doors. Plus Wilbur is amazing at breaking into things. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. "I- uh-" I said said. "Alex, you have fucked George's mom before. Right?" Quackity nodded. "Yes many times. That's why I had to leave early and missed Karl and Gogy kissing. " Me and SapNap looked at each other for a moment. "So when you were on streams and said you fucked George's mom on Jackbox, you weren't joking?!?" I said. "Yep!" He replied, psychotically smiling. I looked down trying not to ask anymore questions. About 20 minutes had and we had finally arrived at her house. I toke a deep breath. "Welp looks like in auctlly doing this." I whispered under my breath.

I love you, you love him. (DreamNap & KNF story!!) Where stories live. Discover now