Chapter 9

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"WTF CLAY??" George yelled as loud as possible from the basement. I roll me eyes, putting a lair off sound proof foam over the door. "There now we, and nobody else should be able to hear them. I grabbed the Karls phone out of the fridge, sliding it back into my pocket. Me and Nick had no idea what today now. We had to come up with a plan on what we were gonna do to get back at Gogy. "I know!" Nick finally said. "What if we fuck George's mom?" I looked at him, trying to figure out if he was being series. "You have to be kidding me? You want us to sleep with my ex's mom??" My mouth dropped open in disbelief. "Yeah! I mean look at Karl, he fucked a monster can. Nothing is worse then that!" "WTF? HE AUCTLLY DID THAT??" (Plz note that the following scene above was from someone else's fanfiction. NOT MINE!!) "Oh yeah, I forgot. I promised not to tell anyone. Welp, now you know." I sat there speechless. He grabbed my hand. "Clay, please trust me! It's the only way we can get back at him..." I nodded, grabbing the keys to my Tesla, (which I rarely ever used) as we headed back to the airport. "I need the soonest flight to the UK!" I yelled at the guy at the ticket booth. "Sorry kid, the soonest flight is tomorrow." Then the girl at the Starbucks stand saw us and ran over. "Omg, SapNap nice to see you again!" Then the ticket man said"Wait, you know these people?" She nodded. "Yeah there like really famouse on twitch and YouTube! You've never heard of them?" The man looked Nick up and down. Nick smiled awkwardly. "Well I'll say, 2 famous men in our airport. I'll book you a private jet. It should be leaving in a few minutes. I'll let you skip customs and you can just bring your bags with you on the flight. Enjoy!" The man shock our hands, quickly escorting us to a private jet. Seconds after we had bored we had taken air. "United kingdom, here we come~." I said, Nick giving a little smirk.

I love you, you love him. (DreamNap & KNF story!!) Where stories live. Discover now