Chapter 3: Vengeance and Care

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Author 1: So. Been a while. Sorry for the wait, so much shit happened it aint funny. But y'all don't need to know that, on with the story! Also from now on it's gonna be just me writing this, so even more writer's block shit! She did help plan the next few chapters though if I can actually write shit, so she still gets credit. Also I randomly woke up one day and saw the story was #6 out of Hollow Knight. THERE'S ONLY TWO PARTS! WHY ARE YOU GUYS SO NICE!?

Hornet POV

I through my needle into a nearby tree and use it to propel myself forward. I look down at my sibling who is running after me at great speeds. They must have sprintmaster equipped. We quickly reach a sign that says "Snowdin". That must be the name of the town, but neither of us have any time to think as a piercing screech rings out. Unlike the screams before, this one is familiar. One we have already fought, many-a-time. We reach the middle of a village and there we see it, chewing on some taller ex- er, Skeleton.

The Vengefly King

"UNHAND ME YOU VILE INSECT! I AM THE GREAT PAPYRUS! SOON-TO-BE PART OF THE ROYAL GUARD! IF YOU DON'T LET GO, I'LL USE MY SPECIAL ATTACK!" The tall Skeleton kind of reminds me of Zote with all this boasting. I glance at my sibling, who's already charging up a Crystal Dash to the beast. I turn back and launch my needle at the Vengefly King, yelling out "GARAMA!". The Vengefly King drops the Skeleton, and turns to me. It screeches, stunning both me and my sibling for a short period of time. The Skeleton goes over to me

"FELLOW MONSTER! I THANK YOU FOR SAVING ME, I DO NOT BELIEVE I HAVE SEEN YOU AROUND BEFORE! I AM PAPYRUS, SOON TO BE PART OF THE ROYAL GUARD!" The skeleton looks proud and holds out his hand. I stare at him and glance at Ghost, who is absolutely destroying the Vengefly King, but still could use a bit of help. The skeleton seems to get the memo

"I SEE! VERY WELL! TIME TO 'GROUND' YOU! NYEH HEH HEH!" Papyrus thrusts his hand to the Vengefly King and then down. The Vengefly King in turn glows blue and then is slammed into the ground, giving my sibling the chance to Desolate Dive right on it's head. It starts to explode, but instead of the normal infection spray, dust bursts from its corpse as it dies. This Skeleton has some type of power much different from the ones of our world. This place is strange....

Frisk POV:

Me and Chara finally reach Toriel's house. We've killed everyone in our way, so this will be a quick fight. But when we wake to go check on Toriel, she's already in the basement, already something's off. For some reason instead of the normal ambiance in Toriel's house, carnival music is playing.

"Ugh, could they have chosen worse music?" Chara complains, clearly annoyed by this. I think it's not bad, but that's besides the point. We reach downstairs and see Toriel talking to this strange creature in a red cloak. The creature hands Toriel something and then bows to her, before disappearing in red smoke. Toriel turns and sees us, looking surprised.

"My Child! What are you doing down here?" Toriel cluctches and item in her hands.

"I could ask you the same. Who the fuck was that?" Chara yells, but of course only I can hear her. So I repeat what they said in a nicer tone.

"Who were you just talking to?" I ask. Toriel looks down at the item

"To be honest, I do not actually know. He entrusted this to me, told me to put it on my robe next time I rest. Appearantly it eats fire and must be taken care of whilst he does his duty as a 'Troupe Leader'. A strange one he was, but far from rude. So I took his offer" Toriel explains.

"Should we see what it does?" My curiosity is greater than my will for another genocide route. Chara frowns at this, but I can tell they want to know too.

"Sure, my children. Let me go to my chair, I do believe that counts as rest" Toriel heads upstairs. I decide to follow her.

Toriel sits on her chair, not Chariel, and puts the item on her robe. A flash of red fire appears and a small bat-like creature flies around Toriel. It lands on Toriel's lap and curls up like a dog. Toriel has the same motherly look in her eye that she does when she saves us from Flowey normal. The same look that says "I just met him but if anything were to happen to him I'd kill everyone in this room and then myself"

"He called it the Grimmchild" Toriel says "He said it had a bright future" Chara and I stare at it, wondering what it was or how it came from that item. Chara looks at me and I know what they're thinking

"It must have something to do with those strange monsters from earlier" They say, already hatching multiple theories about them. "There is something very, very wrong with this timeline, and I intent to find out what"

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