Part 4: 57 Precepts

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Well, as promised, here it is. Time for everyone's favorite character! Short chapter since it's just my return, but I'm leading up to things, so it should be easier to write longer chapters soon and not take years to post, still sorry guys. Don't really have much else to say since everything's in the update I posted, hope ya enjoy!

???'s POV:

I journeyed across this vast area of waterfalls and flowers with the spirits of the souls who's lives ended at my blade trapped inside them. Whispering things to me. But I mourn not the dead, and I continue onwards, destroying anything that crosses my path.

The hardest fight must've been this large tentacle monster. It was a bright yellow color and had a murderous look in it's eye. I managed to get it to retreat back into it's waters, it crying for mercy under my blade, as all creatures inevitably do. Our fight had been long. They were a good opponent. But none is better than me!

After traveling these dangerous monster-ridden waterfalls, never once getting my cloak wet, I come across a change in scenery. As I always say, "Be aware of your surroundings". I look around myself, taking in the snow of the new forestry around me. It was quite cold, though a warrior of such as myself would never allow concepts as simple as "weather" to phase me! For I am the great knight of this unfamiliar world! I have never lost a battle, and Zote the Mighty never will!

However this new snow did manage to make my cloak slightly wet. This cannot be tolerated! This adversary of mine must end upon Life Ender just as all the others did!

Frisk POV:

We made our way past Snowdin, not wanting to be seen in the town. After all we could always circle back to kill the old enemies, but the newer ones, they were strange. As we make our way past the snowy town, it seems strangely alive. Not like how we would go through beforehand, they were all in one area. It made them easy to sneak by, but why would they be doing this? Did it have something to do with those weird monsters we saw? I was snapped out of these thoughts by Chara pointing at something ahead of us. A strange husk was walking around, it didn't seem to notice us. It was just grunting and whispering things.

"Liiight....... feeed..... killl paaalee...... Serve.... liight...."

I drew my knife and slashed at it instantly and it fell over, dead. Chara seems to be confused what it was though.

"Pale? Does that mean something about the 'Pale Siblings' from before? And who would this 'light' be?" Chara mused out loud, not really expecting a response. I didn't give one either.

Chara continued to theorize more as we walked (or well, I walked, they floated behind me), and more husks appeared. I continued to slash through them, until I heard a series of grunts and yells. A more sane opponent.

"Hiyaaa! Wha! Take that, foul terrain! Nothing wets the coat of Zote the Mighty!"

... I stand corrected. I looked at the creature ahead, a being kind of similar to one of the siblings from earlier, "Ghost" I think they were called? But this one was a different color in helmet and cloak, and clearly had a mouth while the previous creature didn't. It was clearly putting that mouth to... not exactly good use, but definitely to use. I used check on it, similar to the others, revealing its yellow soul. Wait... yellow? Monsters have white souls though...

Zote the Mighty
ATK: 0.5 Def: 200
A overconfident self-proclaimed knight and his wooden nail he's dubbed "Life Ender". Though his tales of his strength are exaggerated, he is quite agile and good at running.

Zote, huh? While I am confident I could take him on now, I would rather have more damage output, it would take forever to whittle down his health now. Though the bigger question is now present:

If these people have colored souls, they can't be monsters......

So what are they?

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