chocolate cake, tea, and truffles

Começar do início

"I'm not in the mood to study." Neoma sniffed, still tearless, turning around to face them. "I'm sorry."

"We won't ask questions." Remus promised. "And we don't have to study." He understood Neoma's position; she really didn't know them. If Snape had been any more obvious about Remus's condition, he certainly wouldn't want to be pestered with questions by a stranger. "We can go to the kitchens or something. You don't wanna go back to your common room, not like this."

 Lily glanced between Remus and Neoma. She actually did really have to study - she was incredibly behind in Transfiguration, and had an essay to write by 4:00. She didn't have time to go to the kitchens. 

"I-I'm sorry." She blurted, feeling incredibly guilty as she looked at Neoma. "I really do have to study. But Remus - take her! Make sure she tries Gilie's chocolate cake."

"Transfiguration essay?" Neoma asked, raising a brow. They all shared the class, but Remus and Lily had many more friends there than in Potions. 

"Yeah, I haven't even started." Lily looked at Remus again. "But take her, okay? Severus is a slimy git, Neoma. I don't really know what he was talking about, but he's a vile human being. Ignore him."

Remus grinned at Lily's rant, though it was probably an inappropriate time for him to be doing so. He was just happy to see the girl, who had been so broken about being called a mudblood, no longer defending the person that betrayed her trust. 

"Yeah, he is." Neoma mumbled, giving Lily an appreciative nod. 

"To the kitchens, then?" Remus asked, sending Lily a wave as she departed. "I'll follow Lily's orders and make sure you try Gilie's chocolate cake. It really is the best cake I've ever had."

Neoma forced a small smile onto her face, following the boy as he led her across the castle. 

She had heard of the kitchens, but despite being at Hogwarts for seven years she'd never actually visited them. Remus stopped at a large painting of fruit. 

"Tickle the pear," he urged, grinning at her confusion.

"Tickle it?" She reached her slender hand out toward the green fruit, glancing up at Remus to make sure he wasn't bullshitting her. 

"Even if I were lying, ticking a pear won't kill you, Nott. Just do it!"

Neoma huffed before giving the pear a little scritch. To her surprise, it giggled and morphed into a doorhandle. 

"See? The mighty pear brought you no harm." Remus seized the handle before opening the door, holding it open for Neoma as she stepped through. 

She wondered how a person could be so kind - so happy. She thought back to watching Remus on the platform that day with his parents, or their interaction when he popped into Lily's compartment. Every potions class, he made her feel included in conversation. 

Was she so deprived from basic human decency that a simple action like being polite caught her off guard?

A house elf appeared suddenly, her wide eyes staring up at the two students with excitement. "Mr. Lupin! How happy Gilie is to see you!"

"Hello to my favorite elf!" Remus greeted. Gilie looked at the other student in her presence, doing a double take when she noticed the Slytherin crest sewn into her robes. 

"Hi..." Neoma said lamely, noticing how the elf's disposition had changed when she noticed a Slytherin was there. "I'm Neoma."

"Are Neoma and Mr. Lupin friends?" Gilie asked, looking back to the Gryffindor boy.

Corrupted Souls | remus lupinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora