Imagine Rescuing a Kitten with Crutchie

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"C'mon! It's alright!" Crutchie soothingly calls, staring intently up into a tree.

"What the heck are you doing, Crutchie?" you ask, having come from a few blocks away to check on your friend. "You look like a crazy person."

"It won't come down," Crutchie explains, not taking his eyes off the tree. You follow his gaze. A tiny black kitten clings to branch 10 feet off the ground. It lets out a pitiful meow.

"Aw!" you can't help exclaiming.

"I know," he replies, glancing at you and smiling. "I's been tryin' ta coax him down, but he just won't budge!"

"How do you know it's a he?" you ask.

"I dunno, looks like he should be a boy. I already gave him a boy name anyway."

"What did you name him?" you ask.

"Ronald," he replies.

"I'll climb up there, and you get ready to take Ronald from me, okay? He's probably scared, so he might scratch or bite." And with that, you're up in the branches. As you get close to the kitten, Ronald gets spooked and begins to climb higher.

"It's alright, kitty. Be a good kitty, Ronald, and let (y/n) get you down," Crutchie coaxes from below.

Ronald pauses long enough for you to safely grab him, and when you get close enough, you pass the kitten to Crutchie.

"Thanks, (y/n)," Crutchie says, petting and examining the cat. "Oh no."

"What?" you ask as you hop to the ground. "Is he hurt?"

"No," he replies. "It's just... Ronald is a girl!"

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