Imagine Davey Tutoring You in Math

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"Focus!" Davey says, drawing you back out of your daydream.

"Davey, it's real nice of ya to offer to teach me this stuff, but I don't really care about math," you gripe. "And it's late. Let's just go to bed."

Davey sighs as he glances around the room. You two are the only ones not asleep in the entire Lodging House. You truly are grateful that he offered to teach you what he learns in school to help you keep up, but you don't understand why you need to learn all of this complicated math. When will you ever need to know trigonometry in real life?

You like every other subject Davey teaches. Math was never your favorite subject when you were in school. You were sorry to have to leave your English, science, and history classes, but you weren't a bit sad to see math go. Getting rid of math was almost worth the pain of leaving school to support yourself by selling papes.

But Davey wasn't so enthusiastic about your leaving school. He offered to help you keep up with your classes so you can graduate. He's always telling you how important a high school diploma is.

"Do you even care if you graduate?" Davey asks, exasperated. "Do you want to sell papes forever, (y/n)?"

"No," you whisper, brushing at a lock of (h/c) hair and staring at your (fav/c) skirt. You take a deep breath and look him in the eyes. "I'm sorry. I do want to graduate. Math isn't my favorite, but if I hafta do it to get that diploma, I will."

Davey smiles widely at you. "I'll let you in on a little secret," he laughs. "I hate math, too."

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