Imagine Having a Misunderstanding with Spot Conlon

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"Hundreds rush to Colorado!" you yell, holding a pape high above your head. The headline is decent today, and you have every intention of selling as many as you possibly can. "New gold vein discovered!"

Just then, around the corner comes an angry looking Spot Conlon. It's a rare sight to see him outside of Brooklyn, especially in Manhattan. You've only met him once before, and for all he knows, you're a boy. Your heart beats faster. He's headed straight for you.

"Give 'em back, ya little thief!" Spot commands you, clenching his fists.

Honestly confused, you ask, "Give what back?"

"Oh, I think you know," he growls, glaring at you.

"I really don't know what you're talking about, Spot."

"I set a stack of papes on the corner next to me. I turned my back for a minute, and they were gone. Nobody in Brooklyn steals from Spot Conlon. One of the boys said they saw you run off with them. So either hand 'em over or pay up!" Spot exclaims and steps menacingly toward you. He pulls his fist back, ready to strike.

"Hey, Spot!" one of the Brooklyn newsies calls from across the street. "It's not that newsie that stole your papes! It's one from Queens!"

Spot curls his lip and shoves you to the ground. Without looking back, he marches away, off to beat up the kid from Queens.

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