Imagine Jack and Crutchie Being There for You

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In the crisp evening, your feet pound the pavement. Blindly, you run on, sweeping past buildings, not knowing where you are going. Run, don't think. Thinking hurts. Why does it have to be this way?  Your heart aches, and you wish you could cry. Don't cry. Keep running.

Suddenly, your boot catches in your (f/c) skirt, and you hit the sidewalk, hard. The pain pushes you over the edge. Tears begin falling, and you make no effort to stand as you sob on the pavement.

Out of the dark comes a voice. "Miss, are you alright?" You know this voice.

"Jack?" you say between sobs.

"(y/n)!" he exclaims, squatting next to you. "What's wrong? You hurt?"

He helps you sit up and examines your hands.

"Jack, let's leave here. Let's go to Santa Fe, just like you always wanted. I'll pay for tickets. Let's just get out of here. Now. Forever!" you spit out all in a rush, now sobbing harder than ever.

"Hey," Jack whispers. "Hey now. Ya gots some cuts on your hands. Let's go back to the Lodging House and clean those, alright?"

He helps you up and puts an arm around you. As you walk, you hear the familiar thumping of a crutch, meaning Crutchie is nearby.

"Hey, Jack!" he calls as he approaches. He waits for you to meet him under a streetlamp. "(y/n), what's wrong?"

"You know I live with my grandparents, right? My... my grandmother," you say, wanting to tell your story now and not in front of twenty boys. Your throat tightens as you continue. "Grandfather and I took her in to the hospital this morning. She couldn't breathe. They did all sorts of tests on her, and she... the doctors say they don't know how long she has left. I ran when I heard the news. I just left them at the hospital." You're sobbing now again. "And Grandfather has always had fragile health. I just want to get out of here before everything falls apart."

Crutchie wraps his arms around you, and Jack does too.

"Santa Fe ain't the answer, (y/n)," Jack murmurs, and you tense up. "Runnin' away don't make anything better."
"And you got us here," Crutchie whispers. "We're here ta help ya through all of this, (y/n)."

You take a deep shaky breath. The boys release their hugs but stay close to you.

"I know running away isn't the answer," you say. "I just don't know what is."

"Want me to go back with you?" Crutchie asks.

"We'll both come with you," Jack states, grasping your hand. He starts walking, leading you back.

"Thank you both," you say quietly. You know that whatever happens, it probably won't be good, but your friends will be there by your side, just as they are now. Jack and Crutchie are here for you, now and always.

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