"I don't want to talk about it over the phone because I don't want my parents to hear me" I tell her.

"Alright. Then come over to my place and we'll talk about it here instead"

"Okay, bye" I hang up.


When I get to Melanie's house, she drags me upstairs straight to her room.

"So tell me what happened!" she gets straight to the point.

"He broke up with me" I sigh.

Her eyes widen. "He did what?! You're kidding me, right?"

"No, this is not a damn joke, Melanie! Why would I even joke about it" I angrily respond.

"Well then what happened? Why did he break up with you?" she asks.

I take a moment before answering her. "Last night I was at this party with Natalie. And then Ryan showed up. And he wanted to talk, so I went with him" I explain.

"You did what?! Don't tell me Cain found out" she puts her hand to her head.

"Unfortunately, he did. And that's why he called me this morning and yelled at me and said some pretty hurtful things to me as well" I say sadly.

"And when he was done with that, he told me it was over and that he never wanted to see me again" I add.

"What am I going to do now?" I start to cry again.

"Oh, Kylie. Why did you have to talk to your ex of all people when you know Cain doesn't even like the guy?" she sighs.

"Excuse me? It's not like I did something with him. We only talked, Melanie!" Is she for real right now? Is she seriously taking his side on this?

"I know but still. You shouldn't even be talking to him at all, Kylie. You can't really blame Cain for being mad" she explains.

I was genuinely shocked by my cousin's reaction to this and that she was taking Cain's side and not mine. "But that doesn't excuse all of the hurtful shit that he said to me. He was acting like I fucking cheated on him, Melanie!" I say.

"Yeah, well can you blame him?"

"What?!" I yell.

"I'm sure you would have thought exactly the same if it
was the other way around" she argues back.

After hearing my cousin say that, I made myself believe that it was now even more my fault that this happened.

"Look, everything will be fine" she tries to assure me.

But will it though? I ask myself.

"I will tell Edwin to talk to him and then you'll see that things will get better between you two again" she says.

But unfortunately, things didn't get any better between us. It only got worse. Two weeks passed by without seeing Cain or talking to him.

I didn't even try to contact him in any way because I was afraid. I was scared of making him angrier than he already was, so I thought it would be best if I just let it be and maybe he would come around once he would calm down.

I haven't done anything special in those two weeks. I pretty much just stayed at home and felt sorry for myself. Natalie and Melanie tried to cheer me up, but nothing worked.

Cain's pov
Two weeks had passed without seeing her. I tried everything in my power not to think about her. I kept hooking up with random girls because I thought it was the only way I could forget about Kylie.

But damn I was wrong. Because that didn't help at all. I couldn't stop thinking about her, no matter what I did. She was in my fucking head non-stop and it was so damn frustrating.

Kylie's pov

"Do you remember when you hated me?" Cain asks me.

"I didn't hate you. I just couldn't stand your behaviour sometimes" I respond. Staring at the nearly dark sky.

"Yeah, well when you get rejected all the time by the girl you like, you kinda start acting like a jerk"

"Yeah I noticed that back then" I laugh.

"Well, what about now? What do you think about me now?" he asks.

"Now, I see that you really are a great guy. And I'm so happy to be with you" I answer.

"And I'm happy to be with you too..."

"Why can't everything just be the way it used to be?
I miss all of our moments together. I miss him"

I would say that to myself every day. Especially after thinking about our cute moments together.

Even after everything he said to me, I still loved him. I loved him so much that I could see past the horrible
things he was saying and I would forgive him immediately if he asked.

I know it sounds stupid, but you can't just turn off your feelings just like that. It takes time, believe it or

It can be quick if you're lucky, but it took me a long time to get over him...

As I'm still standing in the middle of my bedroom thinking about him, someone barges into my room.

"Natalie!" I Jump. What is she doing? And why is she dressed?

"What are you doing here dressed like that?" I ask her.

"You're coming with me to the party I told you about a few days ago," she tells me.

Oh shit. Not another one. "And I won't take no for an answer" she adds.

"Please, Natalie. I already told you that I'm not in the mood for a party right now" I deny. And I especially don't want to go to another party because of what happened the last time I went.

She glares at me before crossing her arms. "You have to stop doing this to yourself because of that idiot. He doesn't even deserve you after the way he spoke to you that day"

I stay quiet and look down at the floor to hold in the tears that were about to come out.

"Please, Kylie. Just come with me tonight" she begs.

"Fine, I'll come with you" I finally give in. And she dances around.

"I'm just gonna go and get changed," I tell her.

Authors note
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