Chapter 32

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Manik chuckled with Neyonika as nandini gave a handful of scolding to the twins as they all were seated on the dinner table... while chuckling manik's eyes unknowingly went to ansh and manik's smile disappeared looking at him lost somewhere... manik kept looking at him for a few seconds as Ansh was rotating his spoon in the rice for a while before taking a bite... manik just ate him food quietly thinking about Ansh....

Nandini was sitting on the bed when manik came from the balcony and started to walk to the door... "is time kahan ja rhy ho?"

Manik looked at her and passing her a smile said... "ill be back in a while! Sleep!"

Nandini pouted and manik smiling at her walked out of the room closing the door behind... walking towards Ansh's room manik stopped at the door and was about to knock when he listened Ansh... "han mishu, i am fine.... no I won't... now can i sleep?.... thank you madam... I Love You Too.... Good night!"

As he ended manik knocked on the door making Ansh saying... "who is it?"

Manik opened the door in return and standing there passed him a smile on which Ansh smiling saying his name in surprise... "baba!"

Manik entered inside saying... "just wanted to have a talk! Can we?"

Ansh sat on the bed all straight telling him... "of course baba!"

Manik smiled and closing the door behidn walked to the bed.... taking a seat beside Ansh he looked at the mobile asking with a small smile... "so! Girlfriend?"

Ansh looked at the mobile and then at manik asking him with surprised tone... "apko ksy?"

Manik chuckled and told him ruffling his hair... "just listened you claming your love!"

Ansh blushed a bit looking down making manik smile... and hugging Ansh from his shoulder manik gave a little kiss on the side of his head... "I was going to tell you and mama about it! But something came up!"

Ansh said while manik was just looking at him... and as he completed manik spoke... "and that something is making you worried!"

Ansh looked at manik with surprised face yet again on which manik said pulling back his hand on his lap... "you know when you were a small baby if around 2-3 years, you used to do everything after asking me! Even your mama used to be jealous of how you a Daddy's boy rather than mama's boy!"

The duo chuckled and manik again told him with a happiness in his eyes as he was reliving those memories yet again.... "and you used to come to our room first thing in the morning, if i used to open the door then you just jump on me for a hug and if your mother used to open the door tgen you came running to me on the ebd to wake me up!"

Manik looked at Ansh who was smiling brightly listening to him and then spoke... "i was really a daddy's boy, and i still am!"

He pouted at the end on which manik chuckled and side hugged him again before he sighed and told him son still hugging him... "then if my boy is having a problem or is worried about something, he don't need to keep it to himself to fight alone, he can tell his baba, because his baba can't see in any kind of worry!"

Ansh looked at manik as he completed his words.... "because his baba loves him more than his sibling!"

Ansh smiled nodding his head and said... "I Know baba, i know that i have you on my back every single time!"

Manik smiled and patting his back stood up from the bed.... as he turned to go manik stopped and looked at ansh telling him... "and bring your mishu home! I would love to meet her and even your mother will be!"

Ansh smiled brightly and spoke with excitement... "i will soon!"

Manik smiled and saying a good night he walked out closing the door... entering inside his room he saw his wife pouting while hugging his pillow... "you are so bad!"

Nandini complained to him who laid down and brought her closer to him kissing her cheek... "my baby love can't sleep without me?"

He asked and nandini nodded in no liek a baby making manik chuckle and he immediately kissed her pout before pulling her close to his chest and mumbled to her... "sleep jaan!"

Nandini smiled as she took a long sniff of his scent and go deep in her sleep embraced in his arms...


"Your baba told you to bring me to your home?"

Misha literally shouted at Ansh as he told her about manik's last night conversation with him... Ansh chuckled at her and holding her hand pulled her to him holding her waist as he stood by the wall... "ansh!"

Misha slapped his shoulder making him laugh and Ansh tucking her hair strands behind her ears saying... "so shall we go to my home after college?"

Misha looked at him with horrified expression and slapped his shoulder again asking him "you want your parents to see me in this stupid jeans and kurta?"

Ansh looked at her with no expression asking her... "to kya shadi ky joray mein jao gi?"

Misha glared at him who made a baby face to melt her and it eventually did as misha spoke... "acha na, i will but not today! Day after tomorrow is sunday! So come and pick up me then!"

Ansh nodded and leaning forward took her lips in a kiss within a moment.... Misha was surprise for a second as it happened so fast but she responded back in the next second... they were lost in kissing when Ansh's mobile ran loudly making them apart... but both of them stood close to each other... misha placed her head on his chest hugging him while Ansh moved his one hand to hug her and with the other hand took out his mobile from the pocket... "yes Krish?"

Misha played with his shirt buttons but when she listened him she looked up as saw a frown coming up... "what letter?"

Misha kept looking at him while Ansh too looked down at her before saying... "be there i am coming!"

Saying he ended the call and Misha asked... "What happened?"

"You were right! There is a letter on my car yet again! Kirsh came just now and he saw the letter on the car!"

Ansh told her and Misha moved back asking him to go but Ansh spoke holding her hand... "you are coming with me!"

Before Misha could say anything Ansh dragged her out with him and taking the back stairs which are used rarely went to the parking lot where krish was standing for them....


For now i am going to stop!
Okay what will be in the letter now?
What is going to happen?
Post your guesses down in the comments!
And let me tell you!
This time it was big letter!
See you all


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