Chapter 31

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Next Day

"Yes, i am going upstairs, be there soon!"

Ansh said to Misha before ending the call and again took steps on the stairs when a boy came to him and calling him said.. "Ansh someone gave it for you!"

Ansh frowned holding the envelope in his hands and looked at the boy asking him.. "who?"

The boy shrugged his shoulder saying.. "i was on the parking lot when he passed this to me! He was in black car! He was wearing shades so I couldn't see him!"

Ansh hmmed and the boy went away.... Ansh looked at the envelope which was having his name just like yesterday's note... he huffed and walked upstairs to the same abandoned room... sitting there on the table Ansh opened the envelope to find a letter inside it... opening the letter Ansh read it out... "no one is messing with you! There is a truth! Truth about your identity which your mother and father, no, Step-father is hiding from you!"

Ansh looked at the word step-father and it was like he will kill someone... He loved his father way more than anything in his life... he could never want to hurt his father and here the mere stranger is saying him Step-father....

The piece of paper got crushed in between his grip as his eyes turned red with anger... at the same time Misha came inside and locking the door spoke "sorry i go.."

She stopped looking at Ansh... she knew her boyfriend never gets angry, and if he does then there will be a big thing... so Misha silently walked to him and placing her hand on his shoulder called him... "Ansh!"

Ansh looked at Misha in a blink and his eyes softened a bit there still there was rage which was actually sacring her so she asked... "hey! What happened?"

Ansh got up from the table throwing away the piece of paper on the floor... running his fingers in his hair Ansh tried to think about something when Misha picked up the paper and read out the words.... her eyes widened at it and she looked at Ansh who literally shouted... "who the hell is he to call my father that?"

Misha gulped and holding Ansh's hand made her sit on the table and rubbed her hand on his back asking him with a calm tone... "who gave you this letter?"

Ansh scratched his forehead and told her... "he was a boy of 1st year! He said someone gave it to him to pass it to me! Yesterday too i got a note on my car! But today, who the fuck is he?"

Misha got scared again as he shouted the last part but then calming her down held Ansh's hand saying... "may be someone was trying to instigate you!"

Ansh nodded in no looking at the wall... he then looked at Misha telling her... "i was thinking the same since yesterday! But no, this note doesn't seem like an instigating letter! This person wants me to find something! I am sure of that!"

Misha frowned as she spoke... "how can you be so sure?"

Ansh rolled his tough in his mouth before telling her... "yesterday he/she was saying about secrets! And now again he said the same thing! But what is making me mad that how can someone call my father a that! That bastard!"

Misha thought for a second and then asked him... "the boy who gave you the note! He got it from inside th college or from outside?"

Ansh frowned as he answered... "he mentioned parking lot!"

"Then the gaurd might have seen that person!"

Misha concluded on which Ansh nodded and said getting up from the table... "let me ask him!"

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