11. The Last Night

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Damien owns a luxurious studio downtown, right in the heart of the tourist area. Since he's in charge of the project Mr. Albercht and Gretta's father are working on this year, he often has to stay for days on this island. The project was introduced to the residents last year, and it's when Lola and Damien met. Things between the two families escalated after that, in a good way I must say, but Damien is not one to follow plans. Well, not entirely.

Despite his rebellious nature, his room interior is surprisingly conformist and plain. The wall is painted dark grey, contrasting his black and white tiles. A large renaissance painting is hung on top of his bed headboard, drawing my eyes to it right away once we enter his studio. It's a medieval-era town landscape, with an outstanding castle in the background, yet the crowd of people around a woman —who I suppose is the virgin Mary— holding a baby catches my attention more.

"I didn't know you're a religious person," I say, my eyes still devouring every detail of the painting.

Damien kicks his shoes off and walks to his small pantry only with his socks on. "I'm not. But that painting is just breathtaking despite the event Memling wanted to capture."

"Memling?" I look around my surroundings to find a place to sit, and my eyes dart to the black reading chair by the window, next to his bed.

"The guy who painted that." He pointed at the painting using the glass in his hand. "Water?"


"I always picture the medieval era as all chaotic and barbaric, but look at that painting. Look at how quiet, restrained, and beautifully balanced his painting is. It's incredible considering the guy lived at the end of the medieval era himself." Damien walks to me and hands me my water. "Isn't that fascinating?"


Putting back his empty glass on his nightstand, Damien plops down on his bed, facing in my direction. "People claim that we are lucky because we live in a better era now, surrounded by civilized people, better rules, gender equality, and the list goes on. But are we really that lucky?"

I shrug. "I wouldn't know."

"This guy inspired me that peace, happiness, and emotional balance come deep within. The world is getting madder and madder every day, and what's important is the values we believe in, and be content with."

"I don't know, Damien." I pull my knees up and hug them with both my arms. "I don't know what peace is, or happiness, or life balance. I don't think I've ever had such luxury. Ever since I was born, I haven't found anything that I could call lucky, either. Life has been shit to me."

"Oh, Gretta." Damien sighs and his eyes become softer. He pats the spot next to him. "Come here."

I frown. "I don't need pity."

"I know. I thought I just wanted to hug you and be hugged. It's been a long day for you and me."

Instead of complying with his request, I rest my chin on my knees while my eyes are fixed on his chess floor tile. "I'm sorry that you found out about Lola like this."

He leans forward, elbows on his thighs and fingers interlacing. "Me too. I wish she didn't get involved in these sick plans. I thought of her quite highly."

"Yet you wanted to break off the arrangement. Or have you changed your mind?"

"No. I just haven't got a chance to do it. Frankly, I'm not sure how she will react, and it makes me a bit nervous because I know she won't like it."


"And if she chooses to pull a drama out of it, then I gotta be prepared to embrace storms in my family." Damien throws himself back and lies flat on his back, his hands on his forehead. "I don't know how far she's going to go with it."

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