Aria of the soul

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"So. Your really leaving huh?"

"Mhm. I think its for the best. Just tell mom that I love her. Both of you. Actually, scratch that! Tell them all I love them, even my annoying brothers and sisters!"

"Hehe, yea. I'll be sure to tell them Amara. Just don't go making it big and forget about us. Than I'll be pissed."

"I'm aware. Anyway, thank you...for respecting my decision."

"Amara. I'm your father. No matter what you do, even if you go out and kill somebody, I'll always
respect your decisions. Plus I know you wouldn't kill without a reason. Now before you know you want to."

"Gosh. Ok ok."

The two Pokémon embraced each other, Amara shedding a few tears.

"Remember. If it doesn't work out, you can always come back. Ok?


Present day

A startled Amara sprung from her sleep, darting around the room. Seeing as she was still in her usual abode, she fell back first onto the hay beneath her mixed with emotions.

("Great. I'm dreaming of the past again. How wonderful.") The pikachu slowly rose from the ground, rubbing her drowsy eyes.

("It's a new day. No point dwelling on past memories. Wonder if Leon is awake.")

Amara scanned her surroundings, looking for the riolu. Not much to her surprise he was usual.

Amara found it difficult to fall back asleep. So, she just sat there, going through the many recent things that's happened lately. An expedition to the frozen tundra, fighting in a coliseum battle to persuade a somewhat chaotic garchomp, and now having helped fend off bandits. Despite all of this, she was just happy to help. Sure it isn't any to drastic like fending off multiple savage Pokémon at once, but at least knowing she helped in some way. gives her peace of mind.


Amara got up from the hay beneath her, walking to the exposed side of her home. She simply sat back down, gazing upon the moon. The sounds of the waves below, along with the howling sounds of the wind reminded her of home. She remembered playing with the local Pokémon. Toying with here brothers and sisters. Eventually the memories came flooding back, making Amara shed a few tears.

*sniffle* "Here I am getting all sentimental." Amara let out a small chuckle, trying to cheer herself up.

Despite Amaras best efforts to stop her sobbing, it continued. The sudden rush of past memories was to much for her to bare. So...she just sat there crying, unable to contain her tears. This went on for quite a while until the stream of tears stopped, Amara simply staring off into the night sky.


Despite hearing the footsteps of a certain Pokémon, Amara continued to look out onto the night sky. Leon had entered the room, immediately noticing the negative emotions coming from his roommate.

"You appear to be upset." Leon approached Amara. "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to."

"..."  The pikachu let out a deep sigh, gesturing the riolu to sit beside her. "Honestly, I think it's better to just get it off my of my chest."

"...Well." Leon sat beside Amara. "What is it that's bothering you then?"

"It's mainly two things. Night terrors and me being extremely home sick. Normally I could deal with the two. I just can't. I can't help but get emotional thinking about my family and home. It also doesn't help that my night terrors are getting worse. There happening more frequently, and are starting to affect me emotionally."



The room grew quiet, the only sound being the crashing of the waves below. Despite Amaras saddened state, she was slowly beginning to cheer up. Not because of the fading of her past memories, but instead the simple fact she had another Pokémon sitting beside her. A Pokémon who's she had time to get to know, spend time with.

"Um...Leon. I know we've only known each other for a short while. Throughout that time I've never expressed my thanks to you. You helped me with so much in such a short span of time, the big one being convincing Thorkall into allying with the guild."

"You could've easily had convinced him on your own."

"No Leon. I couldn't have. You saw how I froze up when we first arrived. If I had come face to face with Thorkall by myself. I...gosh I don't know what I would've done." Amara turned her gaze toward Leon. "That's why I asked you to come along. I figured if you were with me, it'd go a lot smoother, which it did...but..." Amara quickly buried her face into her hands. "Gosh. I'm such a damn coward."

"..." Leon didn't know what to say in the moment. All he could do was watch. Watch as Amara blamed herself for her failures. Leon scooted closer to the pikachu. He gently tapped her on the shoulder, getting her to look up at him.

"I don't know what I can do to cheer you up. I'm not good at talking about this kind of stuff. However, I can show you something that helps me calm down. Want to try it?" Amara looked Leon in his eyes. This was the first time he's ever maintained eye contact with her, so it was a bit shocking.

"Y-yea. Sure."

Leon told Amara to close her eyes. He instructed the pikachu to follow the rhythm of his humming. It was a bit odd...and weird for Amara for the first couple of minutes. Eventually she found the correct pacing and rhythm. She was now humming along with him, the sounds of the two's humming sounding almost angelic like. Although Amara focused on following the rhythm, she couldn't help but admire Leon. The combination of his low sounding vocals mixed with hers. It made her feel a certain type of way. A feeling she hasn't felt in a while. The two eventually stopped, Amara feeling a lot better than she was previously.

"So. Did that make you feel any better?"

"..." The pikachu simply stared at him, showing off a faint smile.

"I suppose that's a ye-"

Before Leon could finish his sentence, Amara suddenly hugged him. The riolu was shocked to say the least. Leon was reluctant, but eventually hugged her back. Their was a brief moment of silence, the two Pokémon not wanting to interrupt the moment.

"I would like to stay like this for a bit Leon. Is that ok?"

The riolu gave a simple nod. With his permission to stay the way they were, she nuzzled up to his chest, making the two Pokémon blush.


It had been a short while later, the two Pokémon still holding one another. Leon nudged Amara, getting no response from her. It was then he realized she had fallen asleep in his arms. Leon picked her up, carrying her to the hay covered ground she would usually sleep on. He gently layed her down not wanting to wake her up. Leon sat down next to the adjacent wall, thinking of past events. He eventually drifted off to sleep.

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