Chapter 3: A nomads pride

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It has been a full week (in human terms) since Leon and Amara met. She had promised him with a place to stay as long as he helped her with job offer's and other such things. So, for the past few days, the two have helped with request, and bringing outlaws to justice. It's mostly been the same for the past few days.

Leon was inside the towns cafe, enjoying a mixed beverage in silence. Everything seemed to be fine...until.

*BANG* A pokemon had rushed inside the cafe.

"Attention everyone. Guildmaster sceptile has important information that everyone, including non guild members must hear. Meet him by the center of town immediately!"

The pokemon then rushed back outside. Leon, wondering what's going on, finished his beverage and left the cafe. Upon walking outside he immediately noticed a huge crowd of pokemon conversing with each other. He joined the crowd, listening to there banter. After a few second's of listening to confused chatter, Leon received a tap on his shoulder, making him quickly turn around. It was Amara. She awkwardly smiled at him.

"It's just me, no need to get all jumpy. So, why is everyone gathered here?"

Leon shrugged, giving a blank expression. After a few minutes of chatter, an umbreon stood in front of the crowd, demanding everyone's attention.

"May i have everyone's attention!"

The crowd grew silent.

"Thank you. Now guildmaster, I'll leave it to you." The umbreon bowed his head. Guildmaster sceptile appeared beside him.

"Stop doing that."

"Oh, i-im sorry." The umbreon lifted his head back up.

"Alright everyone, listen up. Multiple outbreaks of savage pokemon have been discovered around Vinland. Villages, towns, guild's. They've all been massacred. The reason im telling you all of this is because we've found the source of the outbreaks. I don't know how to explain this...but the cause of these savage pokemon is some type of sound, like a frequency of some sort. It emits a high pitch noise, disorienting any unfortunate pokemon, turning them savage. Thanks to the helpful information from other guilds, we've also discovered the origin of the first outbreak of savages. This being the city of new zion. Unfortunately we can't go anywhere near due to the amount of savage pokemon, as well as the constant ear piercing noise surrounding the city. As I've said before, the number of savages has risen drastically. So...for your safety, i will have the guild help with any fortifications to ensure this town dosen't become overrun with savage pokemon. That is all. Remember to stay safe everyone."

The sceptile then left, with the umbreon following. The speech left a crowd of pokemon shouting and conversing with one another.

"Hmmm. That didn't sound good at all." Amara looked towards Leon who was stuck in thought. She gently tapped him on the shoulder, bringing him back to reality.


"I'm heading to the guild. I want to find out more about what he went on about. You can come with me if you want."

Having nothing better to do, Leon joined Amara and headed for the guild. They arrived and...obviously entered. Amara led Leon down a series of stairs, leading to a area restricted only to guild members. Upon arrival, the umbreon from earlier noticed the two and approached.

"Amara. You know this area is off limits. You can't just keep waltzing in like you own the place."

"I'm not waltzing in, im...visiting."

The umbreon turned his gaze towards Leon.

"And who is this? A friend of yours? Just because you've gotten the guildmaster to trust you, does not mean you can just bring random pokemon here."

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