Sneaking Out

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It was late at night in the land of Ooo. The now Queen Bubblegum was sound asleep.

Axel was awake, doing his best to sneak out of the castle quietly.

Each footstep he took was light and soft. As a result, he was moving very slowly.

After nearly half an hour, he managed to sneak out from the castle.

Slowly but surely, Axel made his way through the kingdom, reaching the gate.

As he realized the gate was locked shut, Axel let out a frustrated sigh, taking a step back.

He looked up the wall, a thoughtful expression crossing his face as he looked to his legs.

He bent his knees and crouched down ever so slightly, an audible *click* coming from each leg as they locked into position.

Then, as if they were spring-loaded, he launched upward, managing to land atop the city wall.

He stumbled for a moment before catching himself, walking to the edge of the wall.

Just as he was about to take a step off, he was caught by a gigantic hand.

"Where are you going. Little brother?" A robotic voice asked as a Gumball guardian asked, lifting Axel up.

"Just out for a quick walk, I'll be good," Axel said quickly, an anxious smile crossing his face.

"The queen has ordered us. To keep you within the kingdom's walls, " the gumball guardian stated, earning a sigh from Axel.

"I'll be quick, no harm in a short walk, right?" Axel said with a shrug, earning a hum from the guardian.

"This is acceptable," the guardian stated, lowering Axel to the ground before going back into stasis.

Axel let out a silent breath, steam flowing from his mouth.

He stopped on the edge of the forest trail his mother had taken him to days prior.

He bent his legs, crouching ever so slightly.

Axel took in a deep breath, placing a hand on the ground.

In seconds, Axel had launched himself forward, far above the trees.

Axel looked around as he sailed through the air his eyes widened as he got a near birds-eye view of the surrounding area

He then found himself landing on the ground, his legs bending into an instinctual roll

Axel stood back up in slight surprise, holding his arms out to balance himself. He looked to his legs in surprise.

He hadn't expected to roll as he had. It seemed his body could react by itself in a way.

A soft *snap* caught Axel's attention, causing him to spin on his heels.

His eyes flared a red glow, and his right arm opened up, a rail ejecting before a large cannon mounted above his arm, the barrel above his wrist.

It hummed and let out a red glow, a metal half mask covering the lower half of his face.

His eyes returned to their normal whitish pink color as he was met face to face with a candy squirrel like creature.

It chittered softly before scrambling away into the brush.

Axel shook his head, looking to his right arm in mild alarm.

He thought for a moment before the cannon returned into the open port,  closing up afterward.

His half mask deactivated, retreating into the sides of his head.

Axel lowered his arm, an uneasy expression crossing his face.

He stood for a moment before letting out a soft and uneasy blip, turning and quietly walking down the path back to the kingdom.

*To Be Continued*

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2023 ⏰

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