[Memories] Anchor (1)

Start from the beginning

not just Shanks, but Whitebeard, Rayleigh, and even Buggy sees Roger on that boy. guess, Roger will got descend to Luffy. the will of D. is still unknown, isn't it?

"I'm back." Azill suddenly appear in front of the Strawhat, making them jump in shock. "ah- pardon."

"where are you from-yoi?" Marco asked.

"just picking a projector for this big orb." Azill show the red big orb that he held in his left hand.

"woah, that's big.. what's in it I wonder..?" Thatch mumble seeing the big orb on the man's hand.

"projector? can't it be the same as the other?" Yassop ask. he literally too distracted by staring at his son without really approached him that he not really paying attention to the man.. tch tch, this pirate crew (red-hair) is really the gathering of bad and irresponsible fathers.

"nah, can't do. this orb contain a very big one events. it's his memories of his childhood." Azill pointed Luffy who still loudly snoring and even mumbled something about tonight's meal.

"Luffy's childhood?" unsure the strawhat and the people who adore/admire Luffy.

"Lu's.. memo.." wait- does that mean.. something clicked on Ace's mind. shit- memories of Luffy then that mean he will be shown up! Ace cheek reddened remember how he is in the past. Sabo, who see Ace red cheeks, wondered what's wrong with him. well, before Sabo remember about it too, but he more looks brightened with it. they will see the small Lu again, so of course.

"Anchor's memories? then that mean we will be shown?" Shanks asked his crew with a low voice, not wanting to be heard by others.

"I don't know, Boss." replied Benn.

"stop getting confused, you humans."

"now, are you trying to act like some kind of God or what.." mumbled someone, seeing how he address them 'humans'.

"hah? I call y'all as I like. and no, I'm not some kind of God, thank you." Azill keep a blank and straight face while saying that, and woah, there's a hint of sarcasm on his voice.

"yeah, sure.." the people sweatdrop at the man's word but let it go.

"just start it, Azill-yoi!" irritated Marco, enough with this pointless chit-chat.

Azill clicked his tongue but do so. he made the orb disappear and to enter the screen. actually no. it appear on the project that is in the table underneath the screen. the orb got hold by the project that have a cable that connect to the screen. the orb glow as the screen turn on to show a bright sunny day in the village with much windmills.

"this is?" Garp mutter, familiar with the place.

"Hey Luffy!" the screen focused on the shore where there's a ship with a figure of dragon docking. "what are you trying to do?!" 

the voice yelled towards a small boy that stood on the figure. Luffy have a knife in his left hand as he yelled back at Shanks.

"Strawhat know Red-hair?" a gasp of surprise filled the theater.

"ah, that straw hat.." the strawhat crew mutters, seeing the hat in Shanks's head.

"I'm really serious! I'm so pissed! I'm gonna prove it to you!" small Luffy yell with a much annoyed tone. 

"yeah, do it! I don't know what you gonna do, though." Shanks cheered Luffy as he lift the knife to his cheek, right below the eye, and stab it right into it.



"t-that's how Luffy got his scar?!"

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