Q&A for over 270 followers

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Today, I'm doing a Q&A for over 270 followers! Thank you so much!

Let's begin!!!


What do you see yourself doing in 5 years?

Well, I don't know... I hope to have a job and know how to drive, lol and be graduated from school. I don't think I'm going to go to college. What I really want, is to go to a ballet company... if not, possibly a baking school...

who's your ultimate bias? whats your favorite kpop group?

If we're talking about kpop, then... Park Jimin. He was the first person who actually stuck out in BTS to me... because of his unique voice. I have a very high-pitched voice and thankfully it's not whiny like I've heard irl. My siblings like to tease me about it- especially when I sing or naturally do anything with my voice that expresses my high pitch.  I love his voice, and I find it unique to see a guy with that kind of voice especially singing and dancing... Dancing is one of my passions so he's kind of a role model for me. but yeah, Jimin is my ultimate bias.

Hmmm, probably... well it changes a lot... from ATEEZ, to BTS, to TXT... right now, I'm going through a TXT phase. lol

hmm what's your all time favorite tv show?

Favorite tv show... Northern Exposure or The A-Team or... no, I really don't have a favorite... I love Home Improvement...gosh, there are too many.

What's your favorite movie?

Hmmm... I think it would have to be Star Wars: A New Hope or The Batman....or Spider-man: No Way Home.

What's your favorite song?

I loveeee The Outsider by Lyn Lapid right now. A Christian one would be Honey in the Rock... ahhhh, it's so awesome.

 Favorite wp book?

Hmmm... Wattpad book would have to be Teenage Baby by . It's a physiological thriller so don't let the name make you feel weird... but honestly there's too many to count... currently its TB.

 Favorite book (non Wattpad) ?

Non-wp book hmmm... that's got to be.... i don't know actually! I read to many books from the library like too many... I get like 13 books every time i go so... I can't choose XD

if you had to choose one element, water; fire; Earth; wind; as a power which would it be?

I think I would choose wind because wind is so powerful and you can choose what speeds to use... unlike fire since fire is always destructive no matter what.

Am I your favorite bestie? HMMM

Let's be honest here...       yes.

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