Chapter 30

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Yin Mingzheng wondered if he had done something wrong before. Every time Yin Qiang hit Zhou Juan, he rushed out to block and shared Zhou Juan's damage, so that Zhou Juan's head was not clear, and he felt that she was not worthy of Yin Qiang. Yin Qiang is the angel who saved her from fire and water.

Or maybe getting a divorce and losing face in front of your family is more terrible than being beaten?

In the past, he didn't understand but respected Zhou Juan's choice, but after being sent to the hospital and almost dying, it became more and more difficult for him to empathize with Zhou Juan, and the details that he had neglected before always came to mind.

For example, when Zhou Juan was beaten, he always hid in his room, so he rushed out to fight Yin Qiang, but Zhou Juan stood aside and didn't help.

Not to mention material deprivation, he remembered that the community came to his home to remind him that it was time to go to school at his age. Zhou Juan sent him to school only after he was sure that he would not spend any money.

One by one...

Yin Mingzheng closed his eyes and didn't think about it.

After Zhou Juan revealed her true thoughts to Yin Mingzheng for the first time, she was a little unable to face him. Every day she saw Yin Mingzheng, she felt that he had undergone subtle changes again, and the feeling was very similar to Yin Qiang.

When she stood in front of Yin Mingzheng, she had a feeling of facing Yin Qiang, embarrassed, uneasy, and afraid.

Facing Yin Qiang, she knew that she was afraid because of violence, but she didn't understand why she was short in front of Yin Mingzheng.

Yin Mingzheng wanted to take her ID card and take her to the securities market to open an account, but she did not resist.

In the blink of an eye, the winter vacation is over, and junior high school has started.

After Shu Ning came back from the Northeast, he followed Ms. Cai back to her grandmother's house to visit relatives. Finally, after visiting relatives, she went home. The friends in the class organized another round, and they came down one after another. villain.

He also didn't know how to make an appointment.

After all, when the villain came to pay back the money that day, he made him angry again.

Every time he tried to approach, he would always make the other party unhappy, and Shu Ning didn't know what to do. He and the villain seem to be born to fight each other, and they can't always get close.

After school started, Shu Ning made a lot of extra money through part-time work, and with the New Year's money from his grandmother and grandmother's family, he became a little rich again, and after giving Ms. Cai 5,000, it was no problem to raise a small villain.

When school started, new reference books, food, etc. had to be bought. Shu Ning contacted Zhou Juan to send money and items. By the way, she also asked her to sign the slips that she had not signed before.

Without Yin Qiang's oppression, Zhou Juan hid and didn't go to work, so she met at the community fountain at about seven o'clock in the evening.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Shu Ning handed her the money, asked her to sign a supplementary note, and gave her the milk and calcium tablets, and asked, "Does Yin Mingzheng eat well, drink milk, and take calcium tablets?"

Zhou Juan: "Yes, he eats

it every day." Shu Ning breathed a sigh of relief, "See you next Tuesday, if I change the time, I will let me know in advance."

Zhou Juan: "Okay." The

two separated at the fountain, and Shu Ning turned around and walked away. Walking, Zhou Juan carried the milk supplements and walked slowly.

After walking a few steps, a familiar voice came from behind, "Mom."

Zhou Juan turned her head and saw Yin Mingzheng with a schoolbag standing not far away, as if she had just returned.

I don't know if I saw it.

Zhou Juan looked back at Shu Ning again, the child had gone far.

"I'll help you." Yin Mingzheng came over.

"Oh, good." Zhou Juan handed him the milk.

Yin Mingzheng walked forward with the milk, Zhou Juan followed behind him nervously, "Mingzheng..."

Yin Mingzheng: "Huh?"

Zhou Juan thought about it: "You saw it just now?"

Yin Mingzheng: "What did you see? ?"

Zhou Juan explained here, "I just bought something and couldn't carry it, but Shu Ning kindly helped me carry it for a while."

Yin Mingzheng: "Well."

Zhou Juan observed his expression for a while, and saw that he looked calm, Finally relieved and laughed, "Let's go, go home quickly."

Yin Mingzheng didn't speak, his eyes were deep.

When he got home, he opened the Q group on his mobile phone, clicked on the mushroom head, and was silent for a long time without saying anything.

No evidence.

Indeed, it is very likely that Zhou Juan bought something and asked Shu Ning to help mention it.

Don't think about it.

If those things were sent by Shu Ning, what was his gratitude to Zhou Juan?

What is he in Zhou Juan's eyes?

Has he been abandoned long ago?

Yin Mingzheng couldn't accept it.

Once it is proved that Zhou Juan abandoned him a long time ago, then he is a thing that no one wants without a father or mother!

His gratitude, those so-called deep love between mother and son, those imaginings of the future, are all jokes!

He is just garbage of unknown origin and nobody wants, it shouldn't exist, it's totally worthless!

Taking a step back, Shu Ning bought those things today, doesn't it mean that those miscellaneous things in the past were also bought by Shu Ning?

Zhou Juan should have liked him, although not as much as he liked his own life, but he must have liked it.

Yin Mingzheng took a deep breath, put down the phone, and turned on the computer to continue programming.

The money in the owner group has been repaid, and the 30,000 yuan in the school has not been repaid.

If it is not over, he will always bow his head.

It's just that after the New Year, programmers have returned to work one after another, and there are too many orders on the Pegasus Forum, and it is difficult to answer them.

Gotta make money in a different way.

He clicked on the simulation software to check the trading status of the day, and the tracking was good. He used the program he wrote to capture the data, and then based on the data analysis, the general trend was accurate.

He also wrote a software that captures the data published by domestic authoritative websites, as well as foreign ones. As soon as the official data comes out, it can immediately capture, summarize and classify.

He then summarizes by category.

After a period of simulation, it is found that the effect is good.

Now large transactions, oil, gold, silver, and virtual currencies are very active. After a period of tracking and analysis, when he saw the curved curve on the software, he suddenly had a strong intuition - oil will rise in the future.

This intuition was particularly strong, and he had never felt this way before.

It was as if a voice in his head told him to do it, and he would regret not doing it.

Yin Mingzheng frowned, not sure.

After hesitating for a day, the voice in his head became stronger, telling him that the opportunity was about to disappear. He finally chose to listen to the voice in his head and spent 30,000 yuan to buy oil bulls.

Oil skyrocketed, and Yin Mingzheng followed the voice in his head again, earning 8,000, a total of 38,000.

The first victory made him understand that the voice in his head was right.

This is an opportunity to make money faster than programming.

He also wrote a software to begin to capture more detailed data on commodities, as well as international trade data, listening to the voice in his head and participating in the tense financial affairs.

He found himself enjoying this exciting game.

Since the brain injury, his emotions are very indifferent, it is difficult for things to arouse his emotions, he thought he had lost his feelings, and now he finds that it is not the case.

The more exciting it is, the more he can feel his heartbeat and the pulse of his blood.

He's almost addicted to the game, getting back a little bit of the rage he used to laugh at.

A month later, when he recovered, the capital had accumulated to 300,000.

300,000, a number that he didn't dare to think about before, now in his eyes, it's just a pure number.

Ah, so I already have money.

But there seems to be no difference between having money and having no money.

Yin Mingzheng stared at his account, with no expression on his fair face, his two dark eyes were as calm as two inorganic black gems.

He thought he would be ecstatic, he would be ecstatic, but there was nothing, his emotions were calm like a pool of stagnant water.

After the delivery, he took it in vainly, returned the money to Zhou Juan's card, and then took it to his own account, opened the list in the class group, imported the class donation amount with the mini program he wrote, and distributed red envelopes in batches.

The class exploded!

【Yin Mingzheng, what the hell are you doing? 】

【We don't borrow money, we don't pay it back? 】

Long Qiao and Wang Shenshen jumped up and down in the group.

The words of the two resonated with their classmates.

[It's only 20 yuan, you're too embarrassed to pay it back, but I'm too embarrassed to accept it! 】【That's right, Yin Mingzheng, don't do this! 】

A few classmates from good families were making trouble, but most of them didn't say a word.

Originally, the donation was supposed to be voluntary, but when the head teacher wants to donate, you see that other students have donated, can you be embarrassed not to donate?

Donations are made for a fire somewhere, a donation for an earthquake somewhere, a donation for a child who is seriously ill, a donation for a mountain event... If the top has assigned a task, the bottom has to stipulate the minimum amount of donation per person.

They often go back and forth, not to mention students, parents and teachers feel uncomfortable. If the donation amount is small, the students will pay for their own pocket money. If the pocket money is small, it is inevitable that there will be complaints.

It's just that everyone doesn't talk about it.

Especially in ordinary family conditions, it is even more heartbreaking.

For first-year students, ten yuan and twenty yuan are also very expensive!

Yin Mingzheng was able to return the donation. Some people were very happy in private, but they were too embarrassed to show it, and kept silent in the group. As a result, the most violent people in the group were the people who would not return the donation.

Yin Mingzheng is very strange to everyone. He used to be a gangster who killed Matt and wore golden hair first, then purple hair. How could he come here, his grades were poor, and he refused to accept discipline.

Later, he was sent to the hospital where his life and death were unknown. The experience was very sympathetic. Everyone actively donated money, but when he woke up, he did not say anything of gratitude.

Look at the people who have been donated, all of them are crying like tears in front of the camera, constantly thanking the society and the masses, but Yin Mingzheng is not good at all, not even saying a word of thanks.

Everyone is not good at evaluating him in private, just one word - strange.

As a result, refunds are now suddenly starting again.

People are even worse.

Moreover, if you can get 30,000 yuan all at once, where does the money come from is also a question.

In short, Yin Mingzheng is full of confusing and weird elements.

Yin Mingzheng didn't care so much. He carefully checked the amount according to the name on the list, packaged and sent it to each class teacher in batches according to the class, and asked the class teacher to refund the money.

Even the teacher's money was refunded.

Really neat and neat, not a penny left.

"Did you know? Yin Mingzheng even returned the money from Didi."

"Really? Didi has more than 100,000 yuan."

"I heard that the donations in the community have also been refunded."

"Where did he come from? How much?"

"I don't know."

"It's strange that so much money suddenly appeared out of nowhere. If he was really rich, he wouldn't let people donate money, right? His parents said that he would not even pay the fees regardless of his life or death."

"I admire him at the same time . , I also suspect that the source of his money is inappropriate."

"You won't go to loan sharks, right?"

"Or is it from an improper source?"

"Don't say, he's good-looking, and some people like this. It's not like that before. This pervert has been following him, and he was killed by Yin Qiang, maybe his appearance is particularly charming in the eyes of some people."

As soon as Shu Ning came out of the bathroom, he heard a few classmates discussing in the corner, and couldn't help but get angry. "What are you talking about?"

Several people turned to look at him at the same time, their faces embarrassed.

"When Yin Mingzheng donated money, someone said that he was forced to donate, but now you've withdrawn the donation and you're still squeamish?" Is there funding? Can't a rich relative suddenly appear? You have to think of some inexplicable bad things!?"

"No, no!" Several boys felt ashamed.

Shu Ning said: "It's also thanks to his pure nature that he can still maintain his original intention in such an environment, and he can return the donations one by one. In exchange for you, do you want to withdraw? I'm afraid I've taken the donations to eat, drink and have fun!

" The boy lowered his head, his face flushed, "Yes, I'm sorry."

"It's time to say sorry to Yin Mingzheng!" Shu Ning frowned.

Cheng Xiaoyu and a group of girls also ran over when they heard the movement, and condemned the boys after hearing about the process.

"How can you spread rumors? Yin Mingzheng is already very pitiful for being harassed by perverts. You still make up him, damn it!"

"Is it wrong to be beautiful?" A certain girl was furious, "In the beginning, Zhuzhu was also beautiful, you boys. If you can't catch up with her, it will be arranged randomly, disgusting!"

"That's right! I just said a few words to the boys in other classes, and I've also been rumored!"

In terms of being slandered because of their looks, girls have more experience of being victimized than boys. Dog blood sprayer.

Shu Ning finally calmed down when he saw the honest appearance of several boys. He didn't know where the villain got so much money. Could it be that the Wei family found out his identity and gave it to him?

But why didn't you take him back? Not revealing your identity?

Regardless of the other side, in short, this rumor must be contained.

Shu Ning raised his eyebrows and said, "Listen to me! I know best where Yin Mingzheng got the money."

Several boys raised their heads.

The students watching in the corridor also raised their heads.

Shu Ning: "Yin Mingzheng had insurance on the day he was hospitalized, but he didn't actually spend much money. I handled his discharge procedures, and I knew best!"

"At that time, there was a lot of donations left, so I asked Yin Mingzheng what to do with the money. Zhou Juan, that is Yin Mingzheng's mother, wants to use the money as medical expenses, but Yin Mingzheng said no, he can't owe other people's love, and he has to return the donation."

"So, the money you received is Your donations! Don't think about where he earned it, because he didn't spend it! The money was returned by him as it is, and it's yours, understand? Stop talking about where the money came from!"

Long Qiao and Wang Shen Shen The left and the right looked like two guards, raised his eyebrows and said, "Go and apologize if you understand!"

Several boys were scattered, and when Shu Ning saw that the boy who said "Yin Mingzheng is liked by perverts" wanted to slip away, he stepped forward and grabbed him by the collar, " Want to run? Follow me! Go and apologize in front of Yin Mingzheng."

"I was wrong, I was wrong!" The boy kept begging for mercy.

When the classmates in the corridor heard Shu Ning's words, they all cast a contemptuous look at the boy.

"Let him go." A cold voice sounded.

The crowd turned their heads.

A young man in a blue and white school uniform stood at the end of the corridor, with black hair and black eyes, his face as white as jade, and his whole body was so beautiful that he seemed to glow.

"I don't need an apology for dishonesty," he said.

Shu Ning was taken aback and let go of the boy.

The boy walked up to Yin Mingzheng, hurriedly said "I'm sorry" and ran away.

"Mingzheng..." Shu Ning raised his hand awkwardly to say hello.

Yin Mingzheng walked up to him and said, "I don't need to do this in the future."

There is no need to stand up for him, and there is no need to explain.

He doesn't care about other people's opinions. Those are not important. Those who can truly understand you can understand without explanation. If they cannot understand, it is useless to explain.

And I don't want to let Shu Ning run around anymore, I owe enough.

Shu Ning touched his nose, yes, he was rejected again.

When the class bell rang, the students in the corridor went back to their class one after another. Naturally, Shu Ning's remarks spread, and many people condemned several boys.

Rumors that the source of the money is unknown are self-defeating.

Yin Mingzheng didn't pay attention to other people's opinions. He used to be a little hurt when he heard other people's slander, but in general he didn't care. Now he's indifferent and doesn't care.

Although he said that Shu Ning should not stand up for him, but Shu Ning's maintenance made him very happy, and his mouth seemed to be stuffed with a piece of sugar orange, which was sweet.

It's just that now he's not very good at moving, even if he is very happy, he can't smile as brightly as before. To others, he was calm and seemed a little angry.

Of course, it's normal to be angry at being defamed.

The two sat on the chairs, the head teacher's voice was very hypnotic, Shu Ning observed the little villain's expression and asked in a low voice, "Don't take the words of those few people to heart, most of the classmates admire your decision." The

little villain Turning his head slightly, he said, "Yeah."

The well-behaved appearance made Shu Ning's heart melt.

I really want to add a WeChat QQ mobile phone number, but unfortunately I can't even say more, otherwise I will provoke the cubs again.

The villain kept looking at him, and Shu Ning straightened his back subconsciously.

After a while, the villain's voice came, "Can I add you to WeChat?"

Shu Ning thought he had heard it wrong, and turned his head, "What?"

The villain stared at him quietly, before saying, "Can I add you WeChat?"

Shu Ning finally made sure that he heard it right, and the little villain took the initiative to add him to WeChat!

After a while, Shu Ning couldn't contain the excitement on his face, took out his mobile phone, "Okay!"

Yin Mingzheng's clenched fists slowly loosened, he took out his mobile phone, and exchanged business cards with him.

After the addition, the little villain's beautiful eyes stared at him for a while, and with a ding, a red envelope appeared on Shu Ning's mobile phone interface.

Seeing the red envelope, Shu Ning seemed to have been splashed with cold water, and the smile on the corner of his mouth froze.

The little villain has turned back and listened to the lecture seriously, with a serious expression on his face.

After a long while, Shu Ning also turned his face to the head teacher, seemingly listening to the class seriously.

Mistakes, I thought the villain wanted to be friends with him, but in the end, he just wanted to pay off the debt.

Yin Mingzheng quietly lowered his head to play with his mobile phone. On the screen, the cartoon head of mushrooms was very cute.

He smiled silently.


[Why did you send me so much money? 】

【I didn't donate so much. 】

Shiitake said.

The smile on the corner of his mouth disappeared, and Yin Mingzheng pursed his lips.

[Calculated. 】

Mushroom: 【There are not so many. 】

Yin Mingzheng: [I checked in the hospital and paid 20,000 yuan in advance on the day of admission. 】Mushroom: [...]

Shu Ning looked up at the villain, he actually went to the hospital to investigate. Damn, the little villain has an amazing IQ now and can't fool him.

Yin Mingzheng: [Thank you. ]

Shu Ning stared at the two "thanks" for a while, sighed, and suddenly felt the sensitive heart of the little villain, and said: [No thanks. 】Yin Mingzheng: [If it wasn't for you, I might have died, and you have saved my life. 】 Shu Ning was moved, it turned out that the little villain was usually cold and thought he didn't like him, but he was full of gratitude.

Shu Ning: [Lu Jian draws his sword to help, you are my classmate and neighbor, you should. 】Yin Mingzheng's eyes were full of smiles when he saw these bold words.

It was rare for him to have such a pleasant chat with Shu Ning, trying to think about how to continue the conversation, but found that he didn't know how to talk.

He has always been the king of coldness. In his previous life, others were ridiculing him, and he was also used to treating others coldly, so that he didn't know how to chat with people.

Seeing that the topic could not go on, Yin Mingzheng was a little anxious, frowning slightly, secretly looking at Shu Ning, who was listening carefully to the class.

The boy's profile is healthy and handsome, the sun is handsome, and it makes people feel good. Everyone likes such a person, no wonder he has many good friends.

Yin Mingzheng pondered for a moment, opened the web page to search how to chat on WeChat, and the first item that popped up was the use of tone particles, emoticons, etc.

He has now paid off the payment and can be on an equal footing with Shu Ning.

Yin Mingzheng tentatively said: [Thank you duck. 】

Shu Ning lowered his head, saw the "Thank you duck", turned his head to look at the little villain in disbelief. Such a cute sentence, was actually sent by a cold villain?

Ah ah ah, the cub is so cute, so cute!

He hurriedly said: [No thanks! 】

Those three words are full of excitement and fatherly love.

Yin Mingzheng was happy when he saw Shu Ning returning to him, but he was stuck again and didn't know how to continue the conversation.

Until school was over, Yin Mingzheng had no idea how to continue the topic.

Shu Ning turned over the chat record with Yin Mingzheng for a long time, and rolled on the bed with excitement.

He finally added Zaizai's WeChat!

For the sake of Zizai's good manners, let's buy something delicious for Zizai.

In the blink of an eye, it was Tuesday, and Shu Ning had no intention of studying, and was full of thinking that he would go to the supermarket to buy something for the cubs later. Yin Mingzheng wanted to talk to him several times, but he didn't know how to speak.

Looking back at the beginning, Shu Ning had been talking to him all the time, but he was indifferent and broke up with him, Yin Mingzheng regretted it.

Now Shu Ning doesn't talk much to him anymore.

Yin Mingzheng wanted to tell him that we have never broken our friendship.

This is ashamed to say, and inexplicable.

He thought for a day, summoned up his courage, and decided to catch up with Shu Ning after school and talk to him.

The school bell rang, and the class was restless.

Shu Ning had already packed her schoolbag, one leg had been propped out of the chair, ready to rush out of the classroom at any time.

The teacher just said the get out of class was over, and before Yin Mingzheng could speak, Shu Ning in the blue and white school uniform flew away like an arrow.

Yin Mingzheng sat in place for a while, packed up his books, and silently followed behind the crowd.

Shu Ning was nowhere to be seen in the crowd, Yin Mingzheng searched for a moment, and a look of disappointment flashed across his eyes.

The sky is lightly raining, and in the winter of Chuzhou, I love the continuous rain, which always makes people tangled whether to open an umbrella or not.

It's a waste to use an umbrella. If you don't use an umbrella, your hair will get wet.

Yin Mingzheng's mood was as wet as the street.

On the sidewalk, a small number of people held up colorful umbrellas, and the wet ground reflected the shredded light.

He crossed the road with his schoolbag on his back, thought for a moment, remembered that he ran out of paper towels and soy sauce at home, and decided to go to the supermarket to buy some delicious food for improvement. Zhou Juan has been working hard recently.

The biggest supermarket nearby is Holiday Supermarket.

Yin Mingzheng entered the supermarket with a basket in the crowd, and there was a display rack for buying daily necessities at the entrance. Yin Mingzheng casually picked up a piece of toilet paper and put it in the basket. He walked along the display rack to the area where he bought food and seasoning. Look, like milk powder.

Blue and white school uniform, short blond hair, sideways face, tall and handsome nose.


Shu Ning watched for a while, put the tin bucket into the cart, then left the display rack, went to the next door to get the nut spree, and took a lot of jerky, dried meat, and buns.

Yin Mingzheng blinked, followed behind him, saw him take a carton of milk, and finally went to the health care product area to get a bottle of calcium tablets.

The packaging of calcium tablets is familiar.

Yin Mingzheng's hands trembled slightly.

Shu Ning pushed the cart away.

Yin Mingzheng stood there dumbfounded, his mind confused. The supermarket is very lively, and there are more and more people. The liveliness seems to have become the background, and people and things are blurred.

Yin Mingzheng regained his senses until he was bumped by someone behind him.

"I'm sorry." The cart was a young girl. The cart was a little big and accidentally hit Yin Mingzheng.

Yin Mingzheng didn't say anything, just left with the toilet paper, and finally went to the fresh food area to buy some meat and vegetables and left the supermarket.

When he got home, Yin Mingzheng cooked food as usual and kept it warm on the stove.

Time seven.

Yin Mingzheng sat on the stool in the living room and waited.

At 7:20, the key sounded, the door was unlocked, and Zhou Juan walked in from the outside with a large bag in her hand.

"I'm exhausted!"

Zhou Juan put the milk and a big plastic bag on the table, "Too many things!"

She let out a breath, saw Yin Mingzheng, and said, "Son, my mother bought you something good. Look."

Yin Mingzheng stood up silently, walked to the table and opened the plastic bag.

Dried pork jerky, small bread, nut spree, nutritional powder, calcium tablets, and a tin bucket.

Yin Mingzheng picked up the tin bucket and suddenly smiled, "It turned out to be cereal, I thought it was milk powder."

"What milk powder?" Zhou Juan asked.

Yin Mingzheng stopped laughing, turned his head, and asked, "Mom, did you really buy these things?"

Zhou Juan was stunned, then said, "Of course I bought it."

"I have Shu Ning's WeChat, you can ask him immediately. "Yin Mingzheng took out his phone.

Zhou Juan said unnaturally: "Hey, why did you ask him?"

"He told me all about it."

Zhou Juan was stunned, thinking that Shu Ning had already said it, and frowned, "This person is real! He kept telling me not to say it. , now I have to say it myself!"

Yin Mingzheng stared at her silently.

Zhou Juan was stared uncomfortably by him, and explained: "This time, it's not that my mother wants to lie, it's Shu Ning's own request. Someone sponsors you, gives you 200 per week for lunch, and gives you milk calcium tablets every month. He said that you have a strong self-esteem, if you tell others to support you, you will refuse, so let me not tell you."

"Shu Ning is the person in charge of donations for your class, he is responsible for allocating donations... son, in the future, make peace with you. When dealing with Shu Ning, make more donations to improve your life, mom has a hard time making money alone..."

Yin Mingzheng stared at the chandelier above his head, and suddenly felt that the light was very dazzling.

"The lunch fee is a donation?" His voice was somber.

Zhou Juan nodded, "Yes."

"Bread and milk snacks are also donations?"

Zhou Juan nodded readily, "Yes."

Yin Mingzheng recalled the previous details, his eyes gradually darkened, "Is there any more?"

Zhou Juanyi Stunned, then look away.

Yin Mingzheng's face was as cold as jade under the white light, "If you don't tell me, I will ask him."

"Hey." Zhou Juan sighed, knowing that he couldn't hide it, and pointed to his shoes, "The shoes you are wearing now, And the pants are all donated... There was originally a down jacket, but Yin Qiang took it, just the blue short down jacket."

"There are also new mobile phones and computers, which were bought by donations..."

Yin Mingzheng's His hands trembled more and more, and his eyes gradually turned red. He thought he was indifferent and would not be sad, but now he realized that he had made a mistake.

The bottom of my heart seemed to be stabbed by someone, and the blood was gurgling.

Something followed along with the blood, and the body was soaked in that liquid, sour and painful.

"Then mother, what did you buy me?" he asked softly.

Zhou Juan was taken aback.

Yin Mingzheng asked again: "Birthday gifts and New Year's gifts are all given by others, right?"

Zhou Juan's face gradually became embarrassed.

Yin Mingzheng: "In the hospital, you really abandoned me, right?"

Zhou Juan took a step back and said, "Didn't you forgive me?"

Yin Mingzheng nodded, "I said so."

Because you were kind to me, I choose to forgive, but now I find that those good things are all illusory.

Strip away those "goods", and the rest is just naked abandonment and indifference.

Zhou Juan didn't take it seriously: "That's not over. The past is over, and now that you already know about the donation, continue to pretend you don't know, and tell Shu Ning about the difficult family situation intentionally or unintentionally. It's easy to use, if I hear that it's difficult, he will give us more money..."

Zhou Juan said ramble.

Yin Mingzheng carefully observed her face, without any remorse, nor did he care about the hurt he had just said to him. Her emotions were similar to "Ah, you found it", "Okay, let's find it, it's nothing", and then quickly focused the problem on interests, hoping that her son would cooperate and dig more donations.

The wound in the bottom of my heart is getting bigger and bigger, and more and more things are leaking out.

to drown him.

The previous speculation came true, and he really was a garbage of unknown origin that no one liked from the very beginning.


"Since you don't like it, why did you adopt me?" Yin Mingzheng's eyes slowly turned red.

Zhou Juan was shocked, "What?"

Yin Mingzheng's voice was extremely dry, "If you don't like it, why do you want to adopt it?"

Zhou Juan gradually realized something, and said uneasy: "Mingzheng, what are you doing?"

Yin Mingzheng stared at her, his body trembling slightly , The mood became more and more depressed, "I don't understand, since I don't like it, can't let me die? Can't you live with Yin Qiang? Why do you have to take me?"

The wave in the body is surging and brewing.

Zhou Juan: "Hey, you child, why are you talking more and more?"

"Not good?" Yin Mingzheng tilted his head, as if it was the first time he met her, "What's not good about?"

"I'm your mother! You can't do this. Question me!" Zhou Juan said.

"But you don't love me."

"Of course I love you." Zhou Juan said quickly, "Don't think about it!"

Yin Mingzheng shook his head, "You don't love me, I already knew it, but I've been lying to myself."

Zhou Juan felt that he was in a wrong state and called out, "Mingzheng..." The

waves finally hit the cliff, making a loud noise .

"Don't call me!" Yin Mingzheng burst out suddenly.

Zhou Juan was startled and stepped back.

Yin Mingzheng took a breath and said, "Very good, since you have abandoned me long ago, and I am not your own, then we will make a clean break."

Zhou Juan didn't understand at all: "Mingzheng, it's so good, why is it all of a sudden?

" Is it good?" Yin Mingzheng pointed at his head, "Don't you know that my brain is sick?"

He walked into the living room and kicked the sofa, "I didn't like this sofa for a long time, that Yin Qiang sleeps every day on the sofa. Here!"

He went to his room again and pushed the door open, slamming against the wall.

"I hate that you hang clothes in my room! It's annoying! You know?"

"I hate that you put the sundries in my windowsill, bring in a basin, come in with a box, and talk about it when you come in. Two sentences!"

"I hate putting garbage behind the refrigerator, and I hate giving it to Yin Qiang every time I get money from the scrap market!"

"I hate that Yin Qiang has wine bottles all over the floor!"

"I hate the smell of wine in the house!"

"I hate that you only cry every time you are beaten. You never dare to resist. Every time you ask me to save you!"

"Everything in this family is disgusting!"

Yin Mingzheng gasped, his eyes filled with undisguised disgust.

"If it wasn't for you, I would have left home long ago, and I would have walked far away and never came back!"

"Because this home has you, I stayed here!"

"But now, you tell me that the good things you treated me in the past were all fake, and you abandoned me long ago."

Zhou Juan was overwhelmed by his words, Yin Mingzheng was so good-natured before and would protect her , never said harsh words, but now, he was yelling at her.

Yin Mingzheng gradually regained his composure, his eyes were cold, "If you abandon me, I will abandon you."

Hearing this sentence, Zhou Juan suddenly became uneasy, "What do you mean Mingzheng?"

Yin Mingzheng stared at her, "What? I mean, you understand."

Zhou Juan shook her head, "I don't understand, I don't understand."

Yin Mingzheng walked into the small room, opened the tin cabinet, grabbed two pieces of clothes and stuffed them into the schoolbag, and then put away the computer and put it in the computer bag.

Zhou Juan snatched his schoolbag, opened her eyes wide, and her face was as pale as paper under her messy hair, "Mingzheng, what are you doing?"

Yin Mingzheng stood up, the young man unconsciously looked much taller than Zhou Juan, The shape is slender, not a figure that makes people feel safe at first glance, and looks very fragile.

Yet he stood there, no one could ignore him.

His back is straight, like an invisible steel bar on his back, which supports the entire body and shatters the feeling of fragility brought by thinness and thinness. It is very strong and firm.

"I'm leaving you,"

he said earnestly.

Zhou Juan took a breath, her pupils contracted slightly, as if she had been punched hard.

Yin Mingzheng said that he wanted to leave her for the first time, and he always said "take her away".

He never said that he would leave, so it was extraordinarily real and solemn.

Zhou Juan was breathing quickly because she realized that the boy was telling the truth.

"Why? Ming Zheng, stop making trouble."

Yin Mingzheng snatched the schoolbag from her hand, lowered his head and stuffed the odds and ends on the bed, "You abandoned me first."

"No!" Zhou Juan denied subconsciously.

Yin Mingzheng laughed, and the voice entered Zhou Juan's heart, her heart trembled, and she couldn't help biting her lip.

She was a little confused, and she did decide to abandon Yin Mingzheng when he was hospitalized.

Now, she was abandoned by Yin Mingzheng, why is she afraid.

A sense of fear of losing the backbone.

Before she knew it, she had regarded Yin Mingzheng as her protector and backbone. When she was beaten by Yin Qiang, she knew that Yin Mingzheng would definitely protect her.

When she came home tired every day, she knew that Yin Mingzheng would definitely prepare a meal and wait for her.

Yin Mingzheng hardly cried or made trouble, and was very sensible. Because of his existence, the family was barely able to maintain.

Zhou Juan only realized this at this moment.

Yin Mingzheng grabbed his computer bag, put on his schoolbag, and his mobile phone, and walked out of that nasty room.

"Yin Mingzheng! You can't go!" Zhou Juan reached out to stop him, "I am your mother, I have raised you for fifteen years, you can leave if you want, do you have any conscience?"

She didn't want Yin Mingzheng to leave, she was left alone , what to do in the future?

Yin Mingzheng looked at her up and down as if he had recognized her for the first time. After a while, he said, "Didn't you abandon me first?"

Zhou Juan cried, "We have no money! One hundred thousand, how could there be one hundred thousand! We have no money! Way!"

Yin Mingzheng pointed at his head, "Do you remember, how did I get hurt?"

Zhou Juan's eyes were red, her eyes full of daze.

Yin Mingzheng said: "I was injured to save you. If it wasn't for me, it would be you who died that day, don't you remember?"

Zhou Juan opened her mouth, her heart was full and painful, but she couldn't refute.

Yin Mingzheng said slowly: "Have you thought about it, if it was you who was rescued that day, and Yin Qiang and I gave up the treatment, how would you feel?"

Zhou Juan stood there blankly.

The boy bumped her with his shoulder and left without hesitation.

Zhou Juan came back to her senses, rushed up like crazy, and held him, "Mingzheng, don't go!"

"Please don't go!"

She has lost Yin Qiang, and she can't lose anyone!

Moreover, she now realizes that Yin Qiang is not her pillar, Yin Mingzheng is!

For the first time, she thought, without Yin Mingzheng, would she really be able to spend so many years with Yin Qiang? Is she really relying on Yin Qiang?

She needs Yin Qiang, but only needs a face-saving husband who can go back to her hometown, and Yin Mingzheng is the existence she can truly rely on.

Yin Qiang never cooks, but Yin Mingzheng will do; Yin Qiang never cleans, but Yin Mingzheng will clean; Yin Qiang only asks for money, but Yin Mingzheng will make money for her; Yin Qiang will only beat people, but Yin Mingzheng will protect her; sad and sad Yin Mingzheng will comfort her

when he is gone... If he leaves, she will really be alone!

"Mingzheng..." Zhou Juan cried so much that tears flowed down her nose.

She cried so often that it became a habit to cry when encountering things.

No one felt her tears, only Yin Mingzheng would protect her and comfort her.

But now, the boy who once relied on stood at the door, looking at her coldly, without the slightest emotion in his eyes.

"I don't owe you."

He said, opened the door, and left the house he wanted to leave without hesitation.

(BL) Saving Miserable Villain [transmigration]Where stories live. Discover now