Alessandro Bianchi

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Alessandro Bianchi (Robin's Father 51)
I haven't seen her is over 16 years. I thought Tara loved me, loved us. Not only did I lose my little girl but my heart was broken.
I remember the day she was born. We didn't learn the gender of any of our kids before they were born. We wanted a surprise, we have 6 boys we always wanted a girl. Or maybe in hindsight she wanted a girl for different reasons. But as soon as the doctor said it was a girl I almost started crying. There aren't many girls born into this family, only my paternal aunt. I was so great full and excited. I wanted to spoil her, the boys too. They love their sister and took great care of her. They were like her body guards even as a newborn. They came up with a pledge of sorts to protect her. They acted like they were a security team.
I have six sons, Giovani 22, Antonio 25, Alessandro 25, Leonardo 27, Lorenzo 28, Matteo 28. They were so upset when we lost Robin. I think losing their sister was a part of it, but the main part was failure. They worked so hard to keep her safe and yet they couldn't. I think they hated themselves for losing her. The younger ones were too young to understand it wasn't their fault. And the older boys I think were upset with their mother. The kept beating themselves up that they didn't see the threat in their own home.
About 4 years ago I met Alice. Alice didn't know who I was which was hilarious to me. We are a well known name both in the legal and illegal world. But she had no clue. After dating for almost a year, THAT was when she found out. I was worried how the boys would react. I didn't want them to feel betrayed, think I was moving on and forgetting about Robin and everything that happened. But I didn't, Alice really helped me cope with it. And she's helped me and the boys feel like a family again. Not a complete family, not without Robin. But she's been making us be close again. She's been treating the boys like her own and giving them all the motherly love and affection she can. And they've been more open again. The loss of Robin really closed all of us off, she's bringing us back together again. I couldn't be more grateful for her.

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