Going to the R&B tribe

Comenzar desde el principio

Poppy: (Realized) Hey, I recognize those guys and the little boy too. What's their names?

Branch: Taylor, Edrick and Matt; Pop, Rock and Techno trolls. And their younger brother figure is Zach, the fox-human hybrid and he's the one who save Nathan's life from the beast.

Poppy: (Gasps)

She rushes towards Zach. As she smiles widely which she saw his fox ears and his tail making Zach yelps as the trio of his friends went protective mode.

Poppy: (Excited) Hey there, little fella! What's your name? You have a cute fox ears and tail you got! You're so cute!

Zach: Umm, Zach. Zachary Moonthorn. My full name.

Poppy: (Pats Zach's head) Such a sweet name of yours.

Taylor: (Went up to Zach as he put his hand on his shoulder) Oh, actually. I forgot to tell you. I'm Taylor, this is my friends, Matt and Edrick.

Edrick: Hey.

Matt: Sup.

Poppy: (Smiles) It's good to meet you guys. I'm Queen Poppy, Queen of Pop. So, you must be what Branch told me about?

Taylor: Yeah. It's a long story to tell you about how me, my friends met your boyfriend. But it was nice to meet you too. Look, we just want to come with you.

Poppy: Why?

Taylor: (Pats Zach's shoulder) My little buddy, Zach learns about the 6 other tribes. He said that... He read it from the book and he thought it was just a myth then turns out to be real.

Edrick: Yeah. We've never learn those before so good thing, we have a good little buddy who knows about directions and cultures about the 6 other tribes.

Zach: Y-yes, Poppy. I heard that King Nathan had a good friend from the R&B kingdom, King Adrian. He's the king of the R&B which is similar to Funk trolls.

Poppy: Wow! What are they look like?

Zach: Hmm. Has tails and ears like animals.

Poppy: Sweet! Let's go! You guys are coming with us. (To Branch) Babe, assist them please.

Branch: Sure, babe. (To Taylor and his friends) Let's go, your free to go with us.

Taylor: Sweet! Let's go!

Zach: Yay!

The boys are headed inside the air balloon as the others went inside the funk ship. Zach looks around the air balloon only to be met by Barb, Val, Holly and Nathan.

Barb: (To Zach) Hey! I know you! You must be the kid who save Nathan's life!

Val: (Pats Zach's head) You're such tough man you are, little man!

Holly: (To Zach) What's your name, lad? I'm Holly Darlin'.

Zach: Zachary Moonthorn, you can call me Zach for short.

Holly: Zach? I like your name. (Smiles)

Nathan: (To Zach) Thank you for saving my life back there. I've never seen a brave boy like you.

Zach: Thank you. My mommy taught me how to be brave when it comes to danger.

He smiles sheepishly as he tries not to hide his sadness of his memories with his family. Poppy and Branch are now in the air balloon as she pulled out an old map.

Nathan: Is this your old map?

Poppy: Yep.

Nathan: Are you sure where you going?

Poppy: Uh, yep. (Hesitants then sighs) I think we all get lost if we use this map.

Nathan: (Chuckles) Nonsense, Pops. Here, let me do this. I know where exactly R&B kingdom is.

He pulled out his spear as he spins it then lands it hard which makes the sky crumbles then a loud thunder claps making everyone yelps. Then, a lightning recharge Nathan's spear, he points it as the lightning creating a string like magic making a directions to the R&B kingdom.

All: Woah.

Zach: Woah! Magic!

Zach's eyes were sparkling as he never seen the mertroll using his spear doing magical thing to follow the direction

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Zach's eyes were sparkling as he never seen the mertroll using his spear doing magical thing to follow the direction. Nathan smiles at him as he pats his head.

Nathan: Alright guys, this is the string where we can follow. The R&B kingdom went North.

Poppy: (Pats Nathan's Back) That's awesome, Nat! (To her friends) Alright guys, we're going on a road trip! Are you ready?

All: Yeah!

Zach: Let's go!

Barb: Let's rock and roll, dudes!

Val & Edrick: Yeah!

Holly: Woohoo!

Taylor: Road trip!

Poppy: All aboard to the R&B kingdom!

The air balloon went up along with the funk ship as they headed north. They follow the string to the R&B kingdom. Nathan, on the other hand, was too anxious about the whole history of the 6 other trolls' banish.

To be continued...

A/N: (Sighs in Relief) Finally! I've been waiting for this like an hour! Oh yeah, I was planning this to published but, instead, I decided to the delete my old trolls fanfiction "The Battle of Music" to create a new one. But don't worry, the Battle of Music will be in developed after World tour 2. 😊

Before I publish the next chapter, I would like to introduce Zachary Moonthorn, my new OC! Please be patient! Enjoy! 💙

Trolls World Tour 2 (Trolls x OCs)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora