"Babe, you were just about to sneak out of the hotel room while I was asleep, dressed like this." Hector censured, looking at Iris's dress again and again.

It was a short black bodycon dress that had a sleeveless hand.

"I wasn't sneaking out,I didn't want to disturb your sleep." Iris specificed, looking tired and irritated by this disscusion, "And nothing is wrong with my dress."

"Your dressing is like a lady who wants to advertise herself on the streets," Hector said softly, making Iris widened her eyes, with a mouth forming in a O shape.

"Okay, I wasn't expecting that type of compliment from my loyal boyfriend." Iris scoffed.

"That wasn't a compliment, that was just being honest with you and by the way, who do you want to meet in the middle of the night."

"What's your business? We are both grown-ups, Hector."

"I know, but the last time, I checked, you don't have any family in Chicago not to even speak of friends." Hector pointed out.

Iris scoffed, seeing Hector being honest disgusted her, "I made a new one."

"A new friend,boy or a girl?" Hector asked.

"How about twins? What's with the questions?"

Hector stood up from the bed, moving towards Iris, "Is like you aren't getting what I'm trying to say,this vacation was supposed to be for me,my peaceful time but you decided to tag along, me thinking that you would help me in my struggle time, you are making friends in Chicago,which is stupid, Iris."

"It's not my fault, your elder brother hates you," Iris said angrily, "Gosh, I need to go." Iris said, leaving the hotel room angrily, leaving Hector dumbfounded.

Valerie stood opposite the elevator, waiting for it to open,her hair itched a little,

"Fuck, I forgot to put my hair cream." Valerie said to herself,as her hair continued to itch her, forcing her to let down her hair covering her whole face,as it relieved her a little.

The elevator opened, seeing that it was empty, Valerie smiled.

"There is nothing like a peaceful elevator ride."

She smiled happily,as she pressed the button, the door closed slowly, until a hand entered in between it, making Valerie shriek timdly, the elevator door opened back,as Hector entered the elevator, not glancing at Valerie.

"Spoke too soon." Valerie cursed softly.

She looked at him, sliently, seeing that-

He looked like a male model and he was adored by the fairer sex for his Teutonic-gold hair. It was a casual jumble sometimes but mostly neat and flowing. His crescent-of-moon eyebrows were thin and narrow. He carried an imperious nose well and his angular cheekbones carved down towards a flinty jaw.
His mariner-blue eyes were orb round and darted constantly, a-gleam with delight and the vigour of youth. They were soft, Irish eyes and swam with joy. They shone brightly, like two sapphires dipped in milky pools. The swirl of his loamy cologne had them swooning in the aisles.

Valerie smiled sliently, she was standing beside an unknown demi-god, she can't wait to tell her brother.

When the elevator made a loud noise as the light of the elevator blinked three or more, before switching off entirely.

"What just happened?" Valerie heard his voice.

"Nice voice." Valerie thought,before shaking her head off, to think straight.

"I think,the elevator shut down." Valerie said calmly.

"Wait, what? The elevator did what? No no, this can't be happening." Valerie thought hurriedly.

"Are you with your phone? Maybe you could switch on your phone light and let's call someone." Hector said,as he continued to press the every single button on the elevator.

Valerie smiled at his thinking, making her remember her brother.

"Yeah, sure." Valerie took her phone but her phone warned her for battery low as it switched off, she cursed under her breath, "No,no, please don't do this to me."

"Is anything wrong? Did they pick the call?" Hector asked worriedly.

"I think my phone just switched off." Valerie said slowly.

"Fuck." Hector cursed angrily,he can't believe, he's stucked in the elevator with a girl,he doesn't even know or can even see her.

"I guess,we just have to wait till someone saves us." Valerie said, sitting on the floor.

"You keep acting like, you are used to getting locked in a damn elevator." Hector said as he sat beside her.

"I'm scared of the dark,my phone is switched off, where's yours?"

"I forgot it at my hotel room." Hector sighed tiredly, "Don't worry, everything would be fine." He added, going behind her as he hugged her from behind.

Valerie gasped softly, surprised at the stranger's action, "What are you doing?"

"Making you feel,that you are not alone in the dark."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2022 ⏰

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