In the begining

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I walk up the stairs to the living room. My family is siting there staring at me, my mother has tears in her eyes.

"Sit down sweetheart," she says, looking away from me.

"Okay ... Mom, what's going on?" I ask, sitting down in the swing hanging from the ceiling. I start to get worried.

"Take a deep breath, Liz," my older sister, Ash, tells me. She stands and walks to me. This is the first time I notice her and her husband are here as well.

What are they doing here? They don't even live here. What's happening!? Rikk asks me from inside my head.

Riku - I call her Rikk - is the changer part of me. Today she's different; today she is a pixie. I've known something was wrong all day 'cause she's only a pixie if something is really wrong.

I don't know! Now SSHHHH! I quiet her. I need to hear what's happening.

"Lizzy? Baby, are you with us?" my mother asks.

"Um ... What? Did I miss something?" I say, snapping back to reality.

"We are moving. I'm sorry sweetie, we have to go. You have two weeks."

I look at her, shocked, not knowing what to say till Riku takes over.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN I 'HAVE TWO WEEKS'!!!?!?" she yells at them, "We just got settled here!"

"Lizandra, control her!" my father roars over Riku to reach me. It's no use. I'm lost. I can't even think. I start to smell something.

"Her hair!" my little brother screams.

I black out.


I wake up to a brilliant light in my eyes. I'm laying on my bed - AKA the pull out couch - at my older sister's house.

I roll over in the sheets there damp and stick to my skin. I swear I feel more at home on this couch than I do in my own house.

I blink, seeing my sister in the kitchen. Ashwhispers something to her husband, Kai. She looks over at me, noticing that I'm up. She walks over and sits on the edge of the bed. I look at the ceiling.

"What happened? Did I hurt anyone?" I ask, hearing little Mikee screaming in my mind. "Do I even want to know?" I grown. "Did they kick me out again?"

Do you even want to know? I ask myself.

"No. I took you before they could," my sister says, "You're safe here ... For now. As for what happened, after we told you that Rikk took over, she screamed and yelled for a good thirty. When dad tried to talk to you, she blocked him. We could see you were gone but Rikk was stilltrying to prove her strength to him. Your hair turned to fire." Ash gulps.

I can't look at her. A tear slides down my face and I ask, "is ... is he okay?" My voice is shaking.

"Yes, he's fine. I put you out before you could hurt anyone."

"And Riku? I can't feel her what happened to her." This isn't the first time this has happened and I'm sure it won't be the last. I know what Ash is going to say: Kai used his powers to subdue Rikk temporarily. She'll be back soon. And pissed due to how she left.

"It took more force than usual this time. Riku used so much that it took Kai three hours to recover."

Holy shit! What did she do?! Kai is a vamp, old and powerful, he alwaysbounces back quickly.

"How much venom did he use?"

Ash continues, ignoring my question. "It's Monday. It's been two days, Liz. It was too much. It put both of you out."

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