"I don't care about you George. I wish I never had you, you only made my life worse, just fuck off, nobody even liked you back in England for god sake, your a waist of space, time, food and money. I wish I took your sister instead of you." His mum turned around and slammed the door, leaving George heartbroken. They had fought about her alcohol addiction before but she had never went that far.

George sighed as tears started to roll down his face. He opened his suitcase and grabbed his skateboard, pulling out his phone and entering the nearest flower field.

Only a 10 minute walk, neat

He walked out of the house, tears still slightly blurring his vision. He put his AirPods in and played a playlist that he had made called "CAS + AM<3" (Cigarettes after sex and Arctic Monkeys) as he skated down the smooth pavement.


He got off his board as he arrived at the field, noticing that there was another brunette boy who looked to be about his age sitting in the field. George didn't pay much attention to him and went to sit down, his board next to him.

He picked some flowers and started to intertwine their stems, linking them together. About 5 minutes later George had made a pretty little flower crown that fitted his head perfectly. He placed it on his head and laid back, enjoying the warm sun at 2 in the afternoon.


It had been around half an hour and George decided to head back home, he'd come back later. Just as he was about to hop on his broad and ride back home, he was stopped by the taller brunette.

"Uhm- your flower crown it very cute, did you make it?" He asked.

"Oh uh yeah I did, just while I was in the field" George smiled back at the boy.

"Your British, when did you come to Florida?" He seemed very interested in George, tilting his head while asking questions.

"I just came here today, just trying to settle in but I needed some air"

"Your accent is cute"

"T-thank you" George giggled slightly.

"I'm Mason, by the way"

"George, it's nice to meet you"

"Nice to meet you too, can I have your number?"

"Sure, what's the worst that can happen" George chuckled while he pulled out his phone, handing it to Mason so he could put his number in.

"All done" he smiled, passing George's phone back.


"I'm gonna go play on the swings now, wanna come?" Mason smiled and tilted his head.

I think he's a bit drunk-

"Sure, not for long though. I've gotta unpack"

"Yay!" He jumped and started skipping away, George followed.

They arrived at a park and they walked over to the squeaky swings.

"This is funnn!" Mason said as he swung high on the swing. It made George giggle, he was lowly swinging as he watched Mason who had a big smile on his face swing high.

British boy // dnfWhere stories live. Discover now