"He was being a jerk about Alfie" Logan said.

Although, of course, Mr Bentley didn't condone violence, to know that Logan had done this to support Alfie was reassuring to hear.

"Why?" Mr Bentley asked Blake.

"Because Logan doesn't seem to understand that his entire reputation is on the line now that he is choosing to hang around with such a freak" Blake said.

"Blake" Mr Dylan reprimanded.

"Blake. Go and see the nurse. Then you can come and sit in the detention room" Mr Bentley said, pointing at the door.

Once Blake and Mr Dylan had left Mr Bentley handed Logan some tissues to wipe his face.

"You know that wasn't the right thing to do" Mr Bentley said. He was talking more sympathetically now that Blake had left.

"Alfie didn't deserve that" Logan said sadly.

"Of course not. But, if you have a problem with somebody you know that you come and talk to me about it. You don't go around throwing punches at everybody that says something you don't like" Mr Bentley explained.

Logan nodded. He knew Mr Bentley was right, but he couldn't control himself in the moment.

"But, I would like to say that it is nice to see you being so considerate of Alfie and his feelings" Mr Bentley went on to say.

"He trusts me to look out for him" Logan said softly.

Mr Bentley had known Logan a long time, and he had never once seen such genuine compassion from the boy.

"Do you understand that you need to make better choices next time?" Mr Bentley asked.

Again, Logan nodded.

"You're a good kid Logan. Don't ruin that by being sucked in to Blake and his unkindness" Mr Bentley said.

"Get yourself cleaned up and then I want you to go and find Alfie to make sure he's okay" Mr Bentley instructed. He didn't mention anything about a detention to Logan as he realised that Blake was the instigator in all of this.

Logan headed to the bathroom, washing his face with cold water. He stared in the mirror at the rapidly forming bruise under his left eye. He knew that his parents would be mad at him when he got home looking like this.

After drying his hands he headed in search of Alfie, caring more about making sure he was okay rather than planning what he was going to say to his parents.

It didn't take Logan long to find Alfie, sat alone on the edge of the football field.

"Hey" Logan said, sitting himself down next to him.

"Are you okay?" Alfie asked, looking at Logan's bruised face.

"I'll be fine" Logan said, trying his best to smile.

"You didn't have to do that" Alfie felt guilty for being the reason Logan had got into the fight in the first place.

"You aren't a loser" Logan tried to reassure Alfie.

"You think?" Alfie asked.

"I know" Logan said, putting his arm around Alfie and pulling him in closely for a few seconds.

"My parents are going to ground me for sure" Logan sighed after he let go of Alfie.

"Can't you explain what happened?" Alfie questioned.

Logan shook his head. His parents were very focused on Logan getting a sports scholarship to college, so if they knew he'd done anything to ruin his chances they would be furious.

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