Transcendental Love for a Dream come True

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Hi! My name is Tobyn Jacobs but you might have heard of me under the username "MeanForce1"!




S-Sorry... I got a bit carried away. I need to resume my introduction! Right! Because the story I'm about to tell you, is easily worth the Seven Wonders' worth! Logical since it involves the eight one.

Crap I'm blushing now.

A-Alright. Like I saying, name's Tobyn Jacobs. You might except to say that I'm an average high school, which to be fair, is a completely normal assumption from the outside. I really look unassuming! (If not secretly devilishly handsome.) But no that's wrong! I won't downplay myself! I possess the greatest talent anyone could ever dream of. My papercraft is only rivaled by the likes of Yu Narukami, so you should rightfully fear me.

Well... this isn't exactly the only reason that puts me at odds with normality, whatever the term means. You see my mastery of paper has for equivalence my love towards a fictional character: Sayaka Maiozono from the game franchise Danganronpa.

Now I could present the character to you, but if you're here, you already know her I presume. On top of that, a more pressing matter might urge itself in your brain: Why? Why be so attached to somebody that doesn't exist? Somebody that deeply wounded the person she cared the most about.

To be honest I don't know. She just... comforts me. Do you get what I'm saying? Probably not, unless you've been in a similar mindset. Even so I don't advocate an understanding nor a craving for validation, I just want to be left in peace with what makes me happy.

Which is why I decided to cover an entire room just to her glory!

How great! My skills could finally be put into good use! I even had more swagger than anyone could ever achieve in their entire lifetime by walking around with a cardboard of her! That day was the freshest I've ever been.

Jokes aside, if I'm writing this today, it's because something magnificent happened over the course of this past month. You see...


Heh... I'm a bit embarrassed to say this but... I don't exactly have the best diet, which Maizono would rightfully comment on, so it's possible some of my food can come from... unusual sources let's just say...

Oh god, this isn't even the most embarrassing part of this story.

Basically, sometimes I'm keen to eat in the Maizono Temple, as I like to call it, and during those times it's not uncommon for me to be hit, struck, pierced by an intense and fierce desire. A desire that burns my chest and my vocal throat every single time I begin to crave for it to come true. Something that mere mortals can't understand...


Mind you, I'm damn good at that, and it takes a lot of energy to be a pro like me, so that's why I always bring a lot of food in the room even if I don't always eat it all. That energy consumption is also part of the reason for my slimness, that is perpetually associated with rapping skills that aren't too shabby like the shady.

That's also why there's a micro-wave in the temple.

Damn now that I think about it, I could make loads of bucks by converting my room into a full-blown temple, that's pretty dope. However I digress!

As you might not know, chicken are the greatest animals that ever graced the Earth, just behind the elephants, and Babar. So I love to have them in my diet.

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