Chapter 17

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"I'm late," I forced the words out "My period is late

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"I'm late," I forced the words out "My period is late."

I glanced up to Pierce whose body was hovering over me as I sat on the edge of the bed. I didn't want to even look at him, I felt sick to my stomach. I tried to hide the slight shaking of my hands, but I wasn't able to ignore the beat of my heart that felt so loud I could hear it in my ears. 

Pierce's eyes had widened, the pupils of his eyes dilating as he looked down at me in shell shock. He had become frozen in place and I knew his mind was racing with thoughts, but he wasn't able to even get one out. I watched as Pierce looked away for a moment, staring off to a nearby wall while I slouched over and stared down at the ground. 

We shared a few moments of silence, both of us in a state of shock at the possibility of what this could be. I mean we weren't even nineteen yet, we were full-time students and Crestmont felt like a full-time job. We couldn't bring kids into the picture, it would just complicate everything so much more. 

"What do you mean you're late?" Pierce turned his attention back to me as he stood up straight, staring down at me. "I'm late..." I trailed off, glancing back over the unopened box of tampons "I was supposed to get my period a week ago, I'm seven days late today."

I was supposed to get my period last Saturday, sometimes my birth control would make it come a day late or two but never an entire week late. I hadn't even thought about it with everyone going on, I would of never even noticed until I saw the box. I was a mental mess, my mind running through scenarios and none of them had exactly what I'd call a good outcome.

"That's impossible, we've been safe." Pierce ran a hand through his hair, tugging at the strands as they split through the cracks of his fingers. I could tell in his voice that he was trying to stay calm, trying not to flip out but instead talk about it first. I could see through him though, I know internally he was shitting his pants at the thought of this.

"It can still happen," I muttered, standing up from the edge of the bed and pacing across the room. I bit the ends of my fingernails anxiously, moving my body back and across the room. I didn't care what I had to do right now, I just needed to not be sitting. Pierce was right, it was almost impossible for me to get pregnant when we always lose condoms and I'm on birth control...but it can still happen.

"Ok," Pierce sighed, still trying to remain calm "Is your period ever late like this? I mean has this ever happened before."

Yes, I wanted to lie. I wanted to say it's happened before so we could both take a breather, but I knew for a fact I have never been a week late since I had gotten my period. Some girls were all over the place with their cycles, but I was right on time every single month. I was always regular, so this was alarming, to say the least.

"No," I let out a deep sigh, stopping from pacing as I landed a few inches in front of Pierce. Pierce rubbed his face in his hands, the stress radiating off of his body. "We need to get you a test, no sense in worrying till we find out for sure."

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