Im in love

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"I'm so sorry! I really didn't mean to say it out loud!" Rin says as she pats Obito's arm. Both boys are
very red as they turn their eyes anywhere but each other.

"Nope it's f-fine" Obito said trying to cover his face with his hand.

Rin felt bad, she knew they liked each other and was still trying to cope with it but she kinda wanted them
to find out together. She rested her chin in her folded arms on the table sighing.

"How about we forget about what I said...?" She looks at them worried

"Y-yeah sure..." Obito says looking at Rin

Kakashi hid his face the whole time after that, looking down in embarrassment. He kept trying to
calm himself so he didn't look embarrassed but he knew it was to late.

"It's getting late so maybe we should go home" Rin said still trying to avert the attention off what she said.

"Yeah... I agree" Obito said smiling.

Kakashi slid off his seat and grabbed his upper arm walking away sadly. "That was so e-embarrassing..." he
shut his eyes tight in embarrassment what was he supposed to do? His crush just found out from Rin that he likes him!
Was he supposed to talk to Obito? Is he supposed to forget? Why did Obito seem so embarrassed? Shouldn't he be grossed out?
It's all so confusing.

"Uh bakashi..?" Kakashi heard a voice behind him and he saw Obito standing there with his hand to his chest.

"Sorry about what Rin said it... caught me off guard" he says looking down walking to him.

"How about we forget?" He says closing his eyes smiling.

Kakashi didn't want to just forget it but he couldn't tell him that. He fought the urge to tell him that
he actually did like him and just nodded his head.

"Mhm..." Kakashi nods slightly as he hums

They stayed there like that but Obito broke the silence by slowly walking to Kakashi and hugging him
comfortably. Kakashi looked at him slowly. Obito rested his head on Kakashi's shoulder.

Kakashi raised his hands to hug his back lightly also closing his eyes.

He didn't want to remain this way with Obito, he wanted to tell him everything but something inside him
stopped him from doing so. Kakashi moved his head more comfortable on Obitos shoulder. His heart beat fast
as he thought about telling him and he felt shaky thinking of how weirded out Obito would be and how it would ruin
their friendship.

Kakashi felt his eyes get teary and it took all his strength to not cry but Obito noticed and pulled back enough
to see him. Obito placed his hand on Kakashis face and wiped his tears with his thumb.

"Why are you crying?" Obito asked looking at him worried

Kakashi looked away quickly in embarrassment and sadness, the last thing he wanted was to loose the
one person he cares about. He looked back Obito with sad eyes.

"There's s-something wrong with m-me" Kakashi says quietly

"What's wrong?"

Kakashi closed his eyes tightly ignoring the consequences of whatever he was about to do.
"Obito you're the only person that I have left... you're the last one and...I don't want to loose you" he
says looking down

"Why do you think you're gonna loose me?" He asks as he feels Kakashis face with his thumb

"Because I feel something and think things that c-could ruin everything..." Kakashi felt more tears
run down his face, he stalled himself trying to neglect telling Obito.

Obikaka (depressed kakashi)Where stories live. Discover now