Just resist

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Kakashi felt a pain in his stomach, probably from the stress. He closed his eyes tightly and felt his stomach
with his folded arms.

"Are you okay baby?" Obito asked worried as he touched Kakashis face.

"I just feel like something's gonna happen... and my stomach really hurts..."

"It's just you're anxiety... let's go tell Rin about us and hopefully you'll feel better okay?" Obito
kissed his cheek and slid his hand down Kakashi's arm to his hand. They continued to walk with Kakashi
slightly behind Obito.

They searched for Rin for a while until they saw her walking across the pathway. Obito and Kakashi ran to
her holding hands.

"Hey Rin!" Obito said with one of his smiles

"Oh hey Obito! I was looking for Kakashi, seen him?" She asked with her hands behind her.

"Uh right here..." Kakashi walked in front of Obito so Rin could see him.

"O-oh hey... I was thinking and... I would like to tell you something Kakashi" she said with a obvious blush
that made Obito feel a little upset.

"Uh sure, what is it?" Kakashi asked curiously

"W-well I'd prefer to be alone... by the way why are you holding hands" Rin asked as she pointed at their hands.

"Because we're dating" Obito said in a stern and jealous way. He never noticed how clingy she was to
Kakashi before they started dating.

"Y-you're dating!" Rin said with a mad expression

"Yes. Problem Rin?" Obito asked as he looked her in the eye

"Uh kinda! Doesn't that make you gay!" Rin pointed at them

"Yeah so what!" Kakashi yelled at her already noticing that she didn't like
the idea.

"B-but I like you Kakashi... you should be with me not Obito! It's not right!" She screamed

"I don't care what you think Rin I'm proud of who I am!" Kakashi screamed at her causing both Rin
and Obito to have wide eyes.

"If you have a problem with me and Obito, f&#$ off!" Kakashi said as he tightened his grip on Obito's hand.

"...Kakashi I'm..." Rin hesitated

"If you're sorry I don't forgive you." Kakashi said sternly

"But it's... wrong and being gay isn't right!" Rin screamed hoping that Kakashi will agree and give

"Rin, Obito makes me happy! No matter what you say, do, or want I'm not breaking up
with him because you think it's wrong!" Kakashi said as he looked at Rin with all the hate he has
been building up.


"I don't want to hear it Rin!" Kakashi's said looking down

"Kakashi... it's okay, if she doesn't accept us I guess she doesn't want to be friends... I thought she
was respectful and loved us no matter what but I was wrong, my mistake" Obito looked away and walked
back holding Kakashis hand.

They heard Rin gasp and start shaking but Kakashi didn't care. He wants a friend who loves him just the way
he is. Kakashi won't change to satisfy who she wants him to be, he can be whoever he wants and having Obito help him
realize who he is makes him feel even more confident.

Obito rested his hands on the counter looking at his boyfriend on the couch. Obito felt a sharp pain in his
ankle and when he looked down he saw Pakkun and shiba biting his ankles.

Obikaka (depressed kakashi)Where stories live. Discover now