"And what else?"

She sobbed. "I-I said I hated you. I'm sorry!"

"You are such a fucking brat!"

As harsh as the last one, Ricardo's palm made contact with her cheek. The force was hard enough to knock her head to the side slamming her temple against the wall. She screamed. Her eyes fluttered from the pain, the headache intensified as it came in waves. Her body slumped back against the wall as if it had shut down, it even felt hard to remember how to breathe. She was exhausted and in pain.

Abigail gasped for air as Ricardo let go of her completely. He took a sleep back as if assessing the scene for the first time.

She flinched away and covered her face with her hands. She couldn't look at him, the fear too immense. Her knees wobbled under her weight and she slid down against the wall to support her body. Knees under her chin, she clutched onto herself for her own protection.

Ricardo took another step back, eyes wide and disbelief painted on his face."Abigail." He whispered. He took a brave step forward. She flinched again, the sound of his heavy footstep frightening her. She didn't speak back.

He combed through his thinned hair with his fingers trying to compose himself. "In the morning, just- just get your things and go."

She didn't look at him nor give him any sort of reaction, she sat there frozen but shaking. He waited for her to look up.

She sobbed into her legs as she listened to him walk away. Her finger still stung from the papercut.


Abigail stepped out of the car taking in the size of the building in front of her, the wind blowing her hair into her eyes. Her heart continued to hammer against her chest, a lot faster now compared to the whole journey there. She had assumed Damien lived in the city but didn't think he lived in the heart of it.


Her eyes locked on Harry and Liz who waved at her from the main entrance. She smiled and waved back. "Hi," She said shyly grabbing the two duffle bags that were in the back seat with her. She walked toward them as the driver unlocked the trunk and started to load some of her bags.

Liz pulled her into a high hug, Harry doing the same after. "Let me hold those for you."

"Oh, thank you."

Liz linked her arm with hers, "How have you been? It's so good to see you."

"I've been well, thanks." Abigail complicated Liz on her dress and pulled her into another hug.

"Miss, your bags." The driver placed a suitcase and duffel bag near her feet. She thanked him and balanced the duffle bag on the suitcase to wheel away.

"Are these all the bags?" Harry asked.

"There's two more, I'll get them now." The driver said.

"It's fine, I'll be right down to get it." Harry nodded over at the doors, "Come on, I'll show you to your new place."

The lobby had many people in suits and expensive attire, leaving and entering the building. Harry pressed the top floor button and scanned a card as the elevator doors closed. "Damien owns the top two floors."

Her eyes widened and her jaw nearly dropped.

The elevator dinged and the doors opened. Abigail nearly exclaimed in awe. Everything looked new and slick, modern and simplistic. There was an angel statue placed beside the marble staircase and a bonsai tree as the centrepiece of the room. She almost beelined to the windows that overlooked the concrete jungle of the city. It was amazing to think that she was at the top of a tall building.

AbigailWhere stories live. Discover now