00|Memories within

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			"Remember those times, my dear?"

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"Remember those times, my dear?"

Hearing the waves crashing onto the shore, the young girl could envision the other regions on the other side of the water. The front child stomped their feet into the sand, as the mixed gravel around their tiny legs squeaked. Their eyes glanced back to a woman, with the gentle amber eyes that made her heart flutter.

She went close to the water, as the waves crashed to her feet, as she felt the liquid on top of her foot. She bent down, as she cusp her hands to see the reflection of herself. The loose hair touched the water, as she giggled.

The sun started to descend over from the clear skies, onto the empty shore of Kalos. The girl jolted back to her mother, laughing along the way, her chagrin smile visible on her expression. Her eyes landed on her father, who was with her dear brother. The visible sulk of his brother face as she could hear him complaining,

"Why am I here? I have plans father,"

Running to her mother's arms, she could feel the warmness of her love. A mother's love towards her kids. Grabbing her mother's legs, she turned around to see the glistening ocean. The voice of her mother rang in her ears again, as the mother gave out a small laugh.

" Ma chère, you really enjoyed being on the beach. You have wet hair, here Ma chère,"

Her hand brushed against the long green hair, as the girl was looking at her eyes, seeing the smile. The smile that reminded her of the sun: so bright, so gentle. The little girl giggled as the mother picked her up, as she spun her around, making the girl say while being in a fit of giggles,

"Up, up, up!"

The mother put her even higher before a taller figure touched the woman's shoulder, as the man looked at the girl before putting her on his shoulder. The girl grabbed a bit of the men's hair, before laughing. The parents glanced at each other, their hearts beating in sync as the women pecked the husband's lips before heading off to see their older child.

The older child looked from his laptop and huffed. His eyes glared at the little one with a scornful, envious face. His hand clamped into a fist, and his shoulder was stiff—all he wanted was to not be here with his family. His mother put a hand on his shoulder before saying," Adrian, ma chère, are you hungry from working?"

"No, all I ever wanted was for you to leave me alone..." Adrian thought before his smile turned into a wicked grin, laughing in his mind. His eyes glanced on the side, seeing his mother before plastering a fake grin, as he got up from his laptop, before saying,

"Mother, I'm great, with the delicious food you have served us before we left our city. Although...as I mentioned to father, I have plans for us, and I would like his attention as well."

The mention of father made the taller man turn around, with his little daughter before coming. Valerie couldn't help but see the area turned dark as the sun rapidly settled into the ocean, as the moon came up, the light from the crescent moon came towards the shore, on a small puddle.

The young girl turned her head, and felt her body was moving on its own. The puddle was memorizing, as if it was calling towards her. Once the girl reached the water, she noticed herself older. Her hair was in a ponytail with her scar underneath her right eye. She fell down to the sand, as her breathing started to get erratic and tears dripped down. She felt the urge to scream but couldn't as if something silenced her voice.

"Wake up...." She turned around, trying to hear the voice. Could it be her parents and seeing her older self was just a dream?

"Val, you've been sleeping...I said WAKE UP!"


Jolting from her seat, she swiftly turned her head to see her friend shaking her head in disappointment. Having her eyes away of her book, she commented,

" Morning sleepy head. Our plane is about to arrive at Lumiose City."

"Oh...Thank you for reminding me and waking me up. I was just...having a nightmare, that is all."

Was that memory real...or not?

The girl next to her sighed before closing her book. She had her hand on her shoulder, and Valerie couldn't help but acknowledge the hand on her shoulder to be like her mothers. A gentle and soft touch, with a "gentle" smile of an impatient woman.

" Ready for an adventure? I can't wait to get off this plane after fourteen hours of my life wasted sitting down whereas I could've been in the conferences with other researchers."

You and your researching workaholic Zelie. Valerie shook her head before viewing her window, seeing the flying types flapping their wings. The clouds were spread apart and the midday sun started to rise.

Kalos here we come. Mama, I can't wait to see you. 

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