Chapter 36

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Katelyn's POV
"I'll see you again soon" he says and I immediately pull away before he could wipe my memory

"What does that mean?" I ask worried

"Don't worry about it" he avoids my question

"No, whatever it is you're thinking of doing, don't. It's not worth it" I try to convince him.

"I have to do it. Someone has to do it and it's better if it's me" he insists.

My eyes fill with tears, matching his
"Do they know? Does Thor know?" I ask

"He will as soon as we get to our next destination" he answers.
We will never get to be happy.

I let out a long breath and I wipe a tear that escaped my eye.
"Go. Save the world. Be the hero" I say and he chuckles

"To be honest, I would rather have you than be the hero. I could just take you away right now and get away" he suggests

"I guess you could" I laugh.
"But you have to go. Your brother is waiting" I remind him. I lean in and I kiss his cheek before I place his fingers on the sides of my forehead.
"Good luck" I say and I close my eyes.

Loki's POV
I take a breath and I erase her memory. Her body collapses slowly on me as I make her fall asleep again. I hold her for a moment, taking in her scent one last time.

I put her in bed again, just like I found her earlier, and I kiss her head. I walk backwards, just so I could look at her as I leave.

On our way to Vormir neither I or my brother talked. I know what is coming but he doesn't.

"Thor, son of Odin. Loki, son of Laufey" Red Skull says as he approaches

"We are not here to fight, we need to borrow the stone" my brother informs him but I stay quiet

"What you seek lies in front of you. In order to take the stone, you must lose that what you love. An everlasting exchange. A soul for a soul" he explains as he points towards the edge of the ground we are standing on.

We both look down for a moment and then at each other. I force a smile on my face and I take a small step back.

"No, no, no. Don't you dare!" Thor yells and pushes me away from the edge
"There is always another way" he adds

"There is not. Not this time" I reply

"He is right" Red Skull agrees.

"You knew the stone had a price?" Thor asks

"Katelyn knew everything about the stones, so when she passed all her belongings to me after she died, I found her research papers" I answer

"Is that why you insisted we come together? And why didn't you tell me?" he asks

"Because then you'd try to stop it. But you can't. It has to be done, it has to be someone" I answer.
"Stark has a family, Banner seems to be doing better than ever and when this works, Barton will get his family back, Romanoff will get Barnes back and Rogers... Well, he has something in mind for when you're done. Everyone has a reason to live after this" I explain

"What about me?" he wonders with tears in his eyes

"Jane is waiting and they all care for you. Not me" I remind him

"I do" he says. Tears fill my eyes as well.

"Well... that's why we're here now" I try to smile
"I was always the outcast, the monster who parents said their children about at night. I was supposed to die on Jotunheim as a baby, but Odin took me as another trophy. And my whole life was one mistake after the other. I hurt many people, including the ones I loved. So let me finally do something good with my life. Please".

"No, you're not! We're are going to go back and then figure something else out along with the Avengers" he insists

"We don't have enough particles for that" I remind him.

"Is this because you saw Katelyn earlier? Did you get nostalgic and hope that this way, you'll see her again?" he asks

"This is not an impulse decision. I miss her everyday but I didn't... hurt myself during the last five years and I wouldn't do it today if it wasn't for this. I don't want to leave you. You were there for me all the way and I can't thank you enough for that. You kept me going. But this was it" I reply as I take another step back.

"I swear that if you take another step, I'll jump" he yells

"I can't let you do that. You have people waiting for your return". I throw a dagger at him, pinning his cape onto the rock behind him. Then I use my magic to stick his feet on the ground, so he can't stop me.
"When Romanoff and Barnes reunite, give them my wishes. She really misses him. Now, about him... make sure you go for the head this time" I joke as I walk closer to the edge.

"Loki, no..." he sobs as tears roll down his cheeks.

"I love you, brother" I finally say as I turn my back to the empty. I close my eyes and I take a deep breath. I ignore my brother's calls and groans.

"I'm coming, my love" I think as I lean backwards and I start falling into the empty.

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