Chapter 25

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No one besides Loki and I know that he is actually alive and well. It was his idea to keep it that way for a while, until we figure out if we can leave together and where to go to. In the meanwhile, he went away to 'Take care of some things' as he said. I have no idea what that means but he said he'll explain it to me when he returns. However, I'm worried because I don't know where he is or when he is coming back.

We are supposed to meet on Monday at 9 pm, in the place where the Bifrost had opened back when he took me to Asgard. But it's already been a week since I last saw him.

I got there earlier than 9 pm because I was anxious and didn't know what to expect.

I hear someone approaching and I turn around to see.
"Hey" Loki says

"Hey" I say and I hug him. He hugs me back and rubs my back.
"Is everything alright?" I ask

"Yes, everything is great" he answers as we pull away.

"I missed you" I say

"I missed you too" he says and kisses me.
"I have everything ready for us. We can leave whenever you are ready" he informs me

"I... I will need to get my things, say goodbye..." I say

"Katelyn" he says

"They should know that I'm leaving so Nat won't think that I went missing. The others probably won't care much" I admit sad

"Ouch... Ok, fine. Let's go then" he says

"Wait, wait. You're supposed to be dead. There are always people walking around in the compound and security is tight after the whole Hydra thing. How am I supposed to sneak you in without anyone seeing you?" I ask

"Last time, I walked in with no problem" he says

"Maybe because you were wearing Roger's body?" I suggest

"I can do it all day" he mocks him

"Yeah? And what if you accidentally meet him in the hallway?" I ask. He opens his mouth to talk but I stop him.
"Actually, I have an idea that will be safer" I say

"Should I be worried?" he asks

"No, I've done it many times before... with my ex's mostly. But don't worry, I got this" I reassure him

My hands light up as I start performing the spell and Loki takes a step back. I take two steps forward and I put my hand on his chest as I finish the spell. A purple wave of magic runs from his chest to his whole body and I take a step back.

In the spot where Loki was standing, a puppy is now sitting. A little black husky with beautiful and bright blue eyes. He looks back at his tail and runs in a couple of cycles. When he finally stops, he looks up at me and barks once.

"Oh yeah, don't try to break the spell, it won't work" I let him know. I reach down and I pick him up in my arms.
"You're so cute like this, you know that?" I ask as I scratch his ear. He licks my face causing me to start laughing and he starts moving his tail excitedly
"Ok, let's go".

I walk in the center with no problem from security, carrying little Loki in my arms. I head to my room, but I didn't quiet make it there.
"Katelyn" I hear Steve's voice and I stop

"Hello" I say a I turn around to speak to him

"Who's that?" he asks pointing at Loki

"I am lonely, sad and I want to cuddle with someone, so I found myself a new friend" I answer

"A friend that strangely enough looks like Loki" he adds as he walks closer

"Well... I'm still cooping" I say

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