Chapter 22

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    Shadow was tossing and turning in her bed. She had kicked her covers off her body and was uncomfortably thrashing about, gripping tightly to the sheets. She couldn't wake up.

    You will be the most powerful assassin Hydra has ever created...

    Go...kill the emperor!! Hail Hydra!!

    Chain her up. She wants to keep disobeying, then she will regret it.

    The voices kept swirling around in her head. She didn't want to remember. She tried so hard not to.

    "Take her to the containment room. Chain her to the wall. No food or water. This is your fault Ghost. If you would have just listened and complied, none of this would happen to you," Pierce's cold words stabbed at Shadow's heart.

    Shadow fought against the guards that had dragged her, but she was still wounded from trying to run after she completed her mission. She thought she had a clear opening to disappear, but they were waiting on her. One stupid soldier shot her in the leg. Thankfully, it went all the way through but she wasn't healing as quickly due to her exhausted energy.

    "Please don't leave me in here!! Pleaseee!!" The guards never glanced her way. They threw her into the cell and chained her arms up into place on the wall. She couldn't move. She knew they were really going to hurt her this time. She couldn't do anything about it. Shadow pushed the rest of her energy into healing her gun shot wound, just to help stop the bleeding. Once it was healed, she passed out.

    "Get her up!" Shadow woke up to being harshly dragged through the halls. Her body was tired but she was trying to get a bearing on her surroundings. Pierce led them into a torture room...the same one they always defiled her in. They threw her onto the ground, pulled chains from the ceiling and bound her wrists. They had never done this before. Shadow was frightened.

    "We are tired of you not complying to the rules of this great organization. We made you great. We gave you EVERYTHING?!" He spat in her face. Shadow recoiled, her body tense. She watched as Pierce walked over to a table in the dark. He walked back into the dim light holding a combat knife. "When are you going to learn?" He slowly ran the knife along Shadows skin, tracing down from her wrist to her shoulder. Shadow didn't want to answer.

    "ANSWER ME?!" He cut through the skin on her wrist. She winced in pain, not wanting to cry out. She watched as her blood poured out of her.

    "I will never be your soldier." Shadow spat back with confidence. Even after every mind wipe they did, somehow she would regain a bit of her consciousness. This was a moment when she had, and even though she knew she was going to regret standing up to Pierce, she couldn't stop fighting for herself.

    Pierce cocked his head slightly and smiled crookedly at his prized possession. He took the knife and ripped off the rags they had kept her in. She was strung before him in only her undergarments. He plunged the knife into her chest.

    "AHHHH stop it pleaseee!" Shadow cried. She had to be as still as possible, for the knife was cutting through every bit of tissue and muscle at every slight movement. Pierce laughed and walked back over to the table. He grabbed something else and walked slowly over to Shadow. He flung his hand back and whipped forward the stick, the blow landing on Shadow stomach. It stuck to her body. She saw that it was the whip stick that Hydra made, they had thorns protruding on every square inch. With a forceful swing, it stretched into a whip that latched onto victims and caused incredible pain when it was yanked out.

    Pierce drew back the whip, ripping open the girls skin. She tried not to cry, but her screams came repeatedly as Pierce let down the whip on every piece of flesh he could find to tear apart. Shadow screamed and pleaded for the pain to stop. She tried to stay strong, but he was ripping her apart, watching her bleed out from the chains.
    Once every bit of flesh was covered in holes and blood was pouring out everywhere, Pierce walked up slowly and yanked out the knife that was still in her shoulder. The whip had come across it several times, driving it deeper into her flesh. Shadows head hung low as her weight couldn't hold her up. The evil man started speaking to her but she couldn't hear what he was saying.

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