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Hey, all.

I hope you enjoyed Lunar Shore, and in fact, the entirety of the series. Solar Flare began as something of a dare to myself, to step out of my comfort zone, and it has turned into so much more.

I appreciate everyone's feedback. I truly feel like the different perspectives taught me a lot about writing, and shaped the way the story went for the better.

Thank you, everyone, for making this series so successful. There aren't words in the English language to describe how grateful I am.

I do want to address the ending. I see lots of stories on here that follow their protagonists for decades, generations. I think Harry Potter is to blame, personally. The epilogue zoomed past nineteen years to reveal where our characters' lives turned out. Some movies, TV shows, and podcasts I've watched do the same.

I don't like that. I like when there is room to imagine, room to grow. Imagine how much more fanfiction there would be if we found out Harry went pro at Quidditch and toured the world for a few years before settling down. I don't like when endings are made to feel like the beginning of something unfinished.

So, I try to make my endings the opposite. They come sudden and soon, almost unexpected, with some things still unanswered. Just like endings in real life. I like to think it leaves you all free to write the perfect ending yourself. I think that is far more impactful than telling you what I think would happen.

Thank you all, again, and stay tuned. I am working on a lot of different stories, and you will see some soon.

Stay safe and stay sane,


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