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As the solitaire ring glided onto my finger, a warm hand gently squeezing mine snapped me back to reality. I was engaged—committed to a man I was gradually falling for. I examined the gleaming ornament in my hand, its radiance dimmed only by the bright smile of the person standing before me. Another tender squeeze prompted me to look up at him, and his infectious joy compelled a smile from me too.

Glancing around, I saw the most significant people in my life, all beaming and cheering for us. My parents stood behind me, their expressions conveying a mixture of pride and warmth. Kriti, my eldest cousin, handed me the ring with an encouraging smile. She had been my steadfast support, aware of every detail from my first crush to Samaksh. Giving my arm a gentle squeeze, she nudged me toward Samaksh.

Facing him, I extended my hand for him to place his in mine. As I delicately slid the ring onto his finger, I offered him the best smile I could conjure. Despite the internal jubilation, my outward expression seldom went beyond a broad smile.

The subsequent moments had us mingling with the guests. As Samaksh and I had opted for a small and intimate celebration, only our closest friends and family were in attendance. Having previously met each other's circles, we felt at ease in their company.

Later in the evening, I found myself seated beside Srishti Bhabhi, cradling her one-month-old son in her arms. Revan, the adorable bundle, captivated everyone's attention with his big eyes and button nose. Born a month prior to our engagement, he became the heartwarming addition to our lives. I vividly recalled the day he entered our world.


Around 5:00 am, my sleep was interrupted by a call from Samaksh.


"Hi, Anaisha. Uhhh... I'm sorry if I woke you up."

"No, it's not a problem at all, Samaksh. Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, yeah, absolutely," he stuttered.

"Samaksh, are you okay? You sound a little low. Did something happen? I'm worried."

"No, no, uhh, I mean, I don't exactly know if it's something to be worried about."

"Just say it; you're just making me more worried by the minute."

"Bhabhi... they took her to the hospital, and she looked like she was in a lot of pain, especially since it's a week before the baby should ideally arrive. I... I am just a little tensed for her and the baby. I mean, Mom said it wasn't that abnormal, but... ughhh, I don't know."

"It's okay, Samaksh. As much as I can understand how you are feeling, I also need you to know that, like your mom said, it's not unusual. Don't worry; bhabhi and the baby will be just fine. And guess what? You probably will get to see your niece or nephew sooner. What say?" I said cheerfully, silently sending a prayer for their well-being.

"Hopefully," he sighed. "As much as I am excited, I just want everything to be fine. I want OUR niece or nephew to be healthy and fine, that's it."

I couldn't help but notice how he had said "our." A warm, fuzzy feeling that I had been experiencing since I met him made its way back.

"Anyway, I'll be there in another hour. Just text me the floor, okay?" I said as I made my way to my closet.

"Not at all, Ms. Singh. All you are allowed to do right now is to have at least another hour of sleep. You've replied to my texts at 2:00 in the night; that definitely means you were awake till then."


"No ifs and buts. Even I am at home with Daadi and Daadu. I promise I'll call you if at all something happens, okay?" he said, whispering the last part as if saying it to himself.

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