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Wrapping up my work for the day, I grab my bag and exit my cubicle, shooting a two-finger salute at my colleague to signal I'm heading home. He grins and gives me a thumbs-up, and I playfully roll my eyes, though a small smile sneaks onto my face when I turn away. Settling into the driver's seat of my car, my phone rings. Chuckling, I answer, "Hello, bhabhi (sister-in-law), yes, I've started for the place, and yes, do tell mom that I did have my lunch on time."

She laughs and, after a pause, mentions, "I have my fingers crossed, Sam. I really feel like she's the one for you."

"Okay, bhabhi, that's my cue to cut the call. Bye," I joke.

"Wait, Samaksh, please be serious; this isn't something to play around with," she chides.

"I know, bhabhi. Despite our brief conversations, I want to meet her. So let's hope for the best."

"Of course, just be yourself, and I'm sure everything will go right," she assures me.

After bidding farewell, I head towards Cafe Brew. Marriage. Initially, I hadn't given it much thought. But a few months ago, when my parents asked me about my plans for the near future, I replied positively after some contemplation. Yes, the responsibilities would increase, and I'd have to be more considerate, accountable to more people. Yet, I'd get to share it all with someone I'd call mine.

Known as the life of the party, I have four best friends who've had my back through thick and thin, and a vast social circle to mingle with. Yet, even in the midst of a crowd, there are moments when I crave a different kind of companionship. Someone who knows me inside out and will stand by me through it all. While friends are a significant part of our lives, I believe a soulmate has the potential to complete you and your life in every sense. Despite never having been in love or a relationship, I am certain that one day, I want to experience the joy of falling in love.

When my mother approached me with Anaisha's picture and shared details about her, I couldn't exactly pinpoint what intrigued me, but there was an undeniable uniqueness about her. The photo was simple, devoid of any glamour or flashiness, and I appreciated its authenticity. In the picture, she wore a subtle smile, yet her eyes conveyed a wealth of emotions. Beautiful in her own way, she stood out.

That day, I simply looked up and smiled at my mother. Being the intuitive person she is, she understood what I was thinking. Without hesitation, she shared Anaisha's number, urging me to call her so that we could decide whether we wanted to meet in person before our families got involved. Apparently, Anaisha had agreed to give this alliance a chance, and only then did my mother bring this up to me .

The next day, I chose to initiate a conversation with Anaisha via text rather than a direct call, intending to avoid any initial awkwardness. We began by introducing ourselves, engaging in casual conversations about the most trivial things. Eventually, we agreed to meet the upcoming weekend before involving our families. Choosing a familiar place, we concluded our conversation, and there were no further texts exchanged in the days that followed.

Five days later, I found myself on my way to meet her. Settling at a corner table of the rooftop cafe, I decided to check a few emails while I waited. Ten minutes passed, and in walked the girl I had eagerly anticipated talking to. Dressed in a white polka dot shirt and pencil pants, she stood at the entrance, scanning the area, presumably looking for me. Spotting me, she closes her eyes for just a millisecond, a subtle gesture I wouldn't have noticed if I weren't paying attention. Then, she gives me a smile before walking up to the table .

Though nerves start to settle in, I consciously choose to ignore them, focusing my attention on her for now.

Though nerves start to settle in, I consciously choose to ignore them, focusing my attention on her for now

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Wrapping up this chapter here so that I can put their first meet completely in one chapter .
The further chapters will definitely be lengthier as the story progresses.

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