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Reaching out to turn off the alarm on my phone , I slowly open my eyes and sit up straight.  Ughh Monday. Shaking my thoughts away I get out of bed and head straight to the shower.

Looking at the mirror one last time , I pick up my phone and scroll through the messages as I make my way to the dining table . One name catches my attention which brings a smile on my face . Anaisha. Taking a seat at the table and putting my phone down , I look up to be met by teasing looks ."Good morning  everyone" I say as nonchalantly as possible. My Dad nods while my mom looks surprised and my brother weirdly raises his eyebrows at me ."Good morning Sam" bhabhi replies. I smile at her ignoring the others ."How are you doing , has the pain subsided?" I ask her. 

"Yes yes don't worry I'm alright "  she assures.

I continue to eat my breakfast and listen to the conversation between my dad and brother . Once my dad is done with his breakfast , he leaves for the bank to get some work done while Adarsh leaves for work . 

"So how come you guys were so busy that you couldn't even call  us yesterday, I was so excited to meet Anaisha " bhabhi asks as she fills up her water bottle.

Oh! That reminded me to talk to Maa about what Anaisha had said .

"Uh.. bhabhi it just slipped out of my mind , I'm extremely sorry. I promise I'll make it up to you." she gives me a teasing smile and goes to her room. 

Just as I contemplate speaking to Maa, my phone rings, signaling a call from my colleague. Urgently summoned for an emergency meeting at the company, I hastily depart, leaving our conversation suspended.

Upon my return from the meeting, I settle back into my cubicle, closing my eyes to alleviate the slight burning sensation from prolonged exposure to the projector screen for four consecutive hours. It dawns on me that I neglected to respond to Anaisha's texts in the morning. Cursing my oversight, I pick up my phone and smile at the text she had sent earlier.


8:44 AM


Good Morning

Just reminding you to talk to your family 

I'm sorry if it seems like I'm pestering you but I'm really nervous 

Please text or call me after talking to them, okay? 

Have a nice day !!😀


13:26 PM

Hey Anaisha

I'm extremely sorry for not texting back right away 

Hope you had your lunch

About talking to my family .....

 I did try in the morning but was interrupted by an important call from office and had to leave immediately

And please relax alright 

There's nothing to be nervous about 

I'll call you later 

Bye , best friend  ;-)


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