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Feeling the fabric between my fingers, I glance up to see my mom smiling at me. Returning the smile, I nod in approval. Shifting my gaze to the other side, I find Seema aunty wearing a similar expression of delight. "It's beautiful," I hear Srishti bhabhi say from the back. As the three of them engage in a discussion about the lehenga, I seize the opportunity to take a picture and promptly send it to Samaksh.

Engagement shopping . Never going to end.

Srishti bhabhi's baby shower was just four days away, so we decided to postpone the engagement preparations. The outfits and venue were already finalized, making it easier to focus on one celebration at a time.

During the previous meeting at Samaksh's place, our families had agreed to schedule the engagement for January, allowing ample time for preparations and ensuring that Srishti bhabhi could recover comfortably from her impending delivery. Excitement filled the Mehrotra family as they awaited the arrival of the new addition.

As I sat on the swing in our front yard, contemplating the journey Samaksh and I had embarked on—from strangers to making the decision to spend our lives together—I couldn't help but wonder if it was the right choice. Would we truly be compatible? Would I need to change aspects of myself? These questions lingered, and while I lacked definite answers, one thing remained clear—I was willing to try, both for myself and for us.

Deciding to call it a night, my phone chimed with Samaksh's name, bringing an immediate smile to my face. I picked up the phone, settled back on the swing, and answered the call.

"Hi Samak..."

"Hi Anaisha. I know it's past your bedtime, and I'm genuinely sorry about that. I wanted to apologize for today. I couldn't afford to miss that seminar. Also, sorry for not replying to your texts. I did consider calling you at the moment, but something came up, and I got so busy that it just slipped out of my mind. I'm truly sorry," he rambled.

"Samaksh, stop. It's fine. I genuinely mean it. Being a working professional myself, I understand that our professional commitments can sometimes interfere with our personal lives, and that's perfectly okay. No need to apologize for such things."

"I don't know, Anaisha. It's just that... we would have had so much time together today, and I just let that go. We haven't seen each other for the past two weeks or so."

"That's true, but nevertheless, we'll meet the day after, right? I hope you remember."

"Of course, I do. Just the bustling energy in this house is enough for anyone to know," he chuckled.

"Everyone is so excited. The baby is undoubtedly going to be one lucky person."

"Already captured all of our hearts. Just like you," he whispered the last part, making me smile wider.

"But on a serious note, any prior information I should know before meeting your family?" I asked.


What ?  What even was this girl saying?

" Really ! Anaisha , this isn't some business meeting where you have to have prior information about your client . This is my family which is soon going to be yours too .  I ... I don't " I had to stop myself in between because I really didn't know what to say .

There was absolute silence  for a few seconds before she spoke up " Samaksh , I wasn't meaning to degrade your family in any manner . I was just .... you completely misunderstood my question. You.... you know how awkward I get around new people and specially because its your family I just don't want to embarrass you in any way. So I thought if I could atleast know a little about them , then.. "

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