
17 9 4

Los Angeles, California
September 2002

The gentle evening breeze caressed Esmeralda's cheeks as she stared ahead at her mother's house. From the distance she stood, she could see the grey painted building with brown wooden doors, or what she'd prefer to call it, her childhood home.

So many thoughts ran through her head. The leaves made rustling sounds as the wind went through them and she shivered. Even though she was wearing a jacket she could still feel cold.

She held her bag tighter. Her mind filled with worry and all she could think about was the well being of her family and most especially, her daughter.

In the distance, a dog barked. She could hear the distant humming sound of vehicles and the street lights across her illuminated the bushes and the trees in a ghostly glow, it painted strange black patterns on the ground.

Chills ran down Esmeralda's spine and she knew it would only a matter of time before they found her.

She had to be quick and fast.

Closing her eyes, she sighed deeply before hurrying towards her mother's house. As fast as she could, she ran, making sure she doesn't step on the tree branch on her way or anything that could attract attention.

Her raven black curly blew in the wind as she moved quickly until she reached the door.

Without knocking she pulled it open, stepped inside and immediately closed it behind her before locking it.

Esmeralda took a deep breathe as she stared at her childhood home. The home she grew up in before she moved out when she got married to Michael.

A small smile made it way to her lips as she remember the happiest moments she had in this same house, but as she stood there now staring at the couch she used to jump on when she was seven and the stairs she would run on when her mother would come home to catch her taking cookies from the cookie jar or the time her mother caught her with Sebastian in the couch making out, she couldn't stop the tears that welled up in her eyes.

"Esmeralda!" her mother's voice dragged her back to reality. "What are you doing here, honey? I thought you said you wouldn't be around this weekend."

"Um.... Well mom, I...." she stuttered unable to get the words out. She didn't know how her mother would feel if she told her what was going on, instead she changed the subject, "Mom, how are you?".

Naomi furrowed her brows in confusion as she spoke, "I'm fine, Esmeralda. But I don't understand wh-"

"Where is my little girl, Mom?" Esmeralda asked, cutting her mother off as she stepped forward, earning a suspicious look from Naomi.

Naomi was never one to be deceived. She was never one you could tell a lie to and get away with it.

In this case Naomi's senses were tingling but she chose to ignore it. "She's fine. I just gave her, her bottle," Naomi replied, still watching Esmeralda. "She woke up and suddenly started crying and I figured she was hungry."

Esmeralda smiled when she saw her daughter in the crib. Her heart started pounding in her chest as she moved to hold her daughter's hand. The baby giggled.

"My little princess," Esmeralda said, slowly carrying the baby out of the crib. Naomi watched her from where she stood, still curious to know what Esmeralda was doing here.

She always called Naomi before she came over and by this hour. Something was surely going on, Naomi thought but didn't say anything.

"She's happy to see you," Naomi told her. "She hasn't looked so bright and happy in days."

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