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The Albrechts arrived at school as usual, although a few minutes later because of those delicious pancakes they just had. Lakers high school is one of the best schools in the country. It is about three streets away from the Albrecht's house, they usually just walk to school. Their principal Dr. Johnson is actually friends with the Albrecht's Grandpa, we don't know how they met but we just know that they are really close. 

The school was as lively as usual, groups of students gather around with gossip filling up the corridor. The twins are not on the same floor as their sister, they are separated when they arrive at school.

"Ben Ju!  come here!" A boy stood next to the locker shouted. He is Steve, the twins' best friend since they started their high school life. 

"I heard something great. Mr.Waston is absent today which means we have no history lesson today" Steve told the twins this GOOD news with his little dance. 

The bell rang as soon as the twins finish packing their stuff and getting ready for lessons. No one knows what will happen today, or will they know.


It was 10:45, usually, Mr. Waston will step into the classroom on time. However today is different, Mr. Waston didn't show up as expected, and Mrs. Smiths walked in. Steve turned his head and gave the twins a wink to show off his accurate rumor. Julian replied with a fully rowed eye.

"Okay class, as you know when I step in, Mr. Waston is not here today so I will be your substitute teacher for today's history lesson. However, Mr. Waston didn't prepare anything for you guys to do so I think you guys can have some self-study time. Remember to keep quiet." Mrs. Smiths announced and sat on the teacher's desk.

"Why is Mr.Waston absent? Mrs. Smiths" the teacher's pet, Camila asked

"To be honest, I don't know either. I just received the message that I have to be the substitute teacher for Mr. Waston today. Maybe you guys could ask him when he comes back." Mrs. Smiths answered.

The weird point is Mr.Waston never absent, he has a healthy diet and he works out a lot. But of course, there are still chances that he is ill, or maybe something else?


It was the other day, the Albrects went to school, as usual, I guess there won't be anything weird happening right?

10:45 again, time for history lessons. While everyone was expecting the comeback of Mr.Waston, he didn't show up, instead, an old tall man showed up, his name is Mr.Davis, and he is known for teaching every senior class history.

"I know we should meet next year. However, something changed...." Mr.Davis chucked, he tried to stay calm and announced " Mr.Waston had passed away two days ago. Therefore, I will be replacing his place and be your new history teacher. I am sorry for your loss" Mr. Davis tried to hold his tears while saying this. Some of the students hold their tears, the classroom was filled by shocked and sad emotions.


"Faster than I expected, nice job," A voice said

"Of course, who do you think I am. Although the name Mr.Rose is cool, why do you need me to use this name...I don't like roses that much, I rather call myself Mr.Money." Another voice said it is a deep voice

"Rose makes me feel....SUPERIOR. One killed, you still own me three quotas" 

"I will do what you told me to unless you told that thing to someone else"

"My mouth has a zipper. You do yours and I do mine."

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Apr 18, 2022 ⏰

नए भागों की सूचना पाने के लिए इस कहानी को अपनी लाइब्रेरी में जोड़ें!

Hi, Bye, Mr.Roseजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें