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   Someone slaps my face a few times before I finally wake up. I look up to see Alby above me. "Morning sleepy head." I groan before waving him off. He still doesn't leave. "Come on, the new Greenie is bound to come soon." I shoot up, my hair sticking everywhere.

   I look at him. He seemed to be shocked at my sudden movement. "Do I have to?" He just nods slowly before leaving shortly after. I groan once more before standing up. Stretching, I grab my stuff.

   Today, a new Glader would be coming. We get one every month with supplies. Everyone is greeted the same. "Hello greenie, you've lost your memories and I'm gonna tell you some wild things. First of all, don't go in the maze or you'll be killed hahaha." That's how you scare someone. Though, we usually talk about the grivers the next day.

   I take a shower before doing my usual morning stuff. I walked out of the bathroom just before the alarm rang for the new glader. Running towards the box, I see the gladers gather around. The metal doors open and I move the bars that separated the person from us.

   I jumped in the box to see a frightened boy. "Greetings, Greenie. Welcome to the Glade." He stared at me. I don't know why, but for some reason his gaze made me want to punch him. Though that's against the rules, if I had a chance I would've taken it and this was my chance. I slapped his forearm.

   "Bloody hell! What was that for?" His voice went dry near the end but I could tell his unusual accent.

   All I did was laugh before popping a lollipop in my mouth. "Looks like Greenie has a new word for us." I face my back towards him as I start throwing the bags out of the box. Someone helped him up as I continued throwing things up. Another person drops down in the box which makes me jump out.

   I face the blond male. I can see he already dislikes me. "Where am I?" Was his first question. It was a normal question for a greenie and every time I answer, it makes me remember that I really don't know as well.

   "Well, right now we're in the glade and some people need to go back to their jobs!" I turn, looking at each and one of the guys around us. They leave quickly, except the ones taking the supplies. I turn back to the Greenie to see him staring at me. Eyes furrow and everything. "Everyone here has a job and you soon will have one." I start walking only to hear nothing following me.

   I look back to see him looking at the big walls. "Those walls are the only thing stopping us from leaving. We have people dealing with them right now." He turns to look at me. I motion him to follow me and he does.

   I point towards a group of men building a house. "Those people are the Builders. They're good with their hands but aren't really smart here." I tap my head, displaying a smile on my lips. I then point at a small shack almost near the builders. "That's where the Med-Jacks stay. They help with our injuries. Which may explain why they're near the Builders." We continue to walk around the big area.

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